How to Faucet like it's HOT

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

Ok. Seriously. Don’t leave.

You’re probably thinking of one of the following ‘features’ of many (if not all) crypto-currency faucet sites…

  • Malware
  • Pop-ups
  • Slow Internet
  • Malware
  • Click-bombing
  • Emotionally disturbing porn

What if I told you…there was a way around all of this? What if there was a way to stick it to those heartless faucet-owners who would love it if your computer got as long as they are rewarded with a few nugs. And those ‘advertisers,’ why on the flat earth do you have to trick people into looking at your product or going to your website? Doesn’t show a lot of confidence.

Can't I just get some free crypto? It literally got to the point where I started expecting it. I just welcomed those skeet-peddlers to have their way with me. All for fractions of fractions of pennies. I won't compare this to prostitution or trafficking of any kind for obvious reasons, but when I realized how ok I was with what was happening…I decided it was time. Time to stop being redirected to more web trash every time I clicked the ‘Submit’ button. Time to stop being violated by long-running scripts and click bombs. Time for these charlatans to stop ‘respectfully’ requesting that I disable my ad-blockers and browse freely without any form of protection.

Now I will state that when you decide to start faucet-mining, you have to accept a certain level of whoring yourself out. If the ads didn’t exist, the coins would stop flowing. I get that. I’m not here to ruin a bad thing. I’m here to acknowledge that there is a line. And when that line is crossed…you gotta do what you gotta do. And just keep in mind, you’re literally earning FRACTIONS OF A PENNY. Do they tend to build up? Yes. My point is, if you’re going to allow your computer to be destroyed, there are better ways of doing it that you can make a lot more money – or at least relieve a lot more stress…

I’ve been using this following method for a while now, and it has pretty dramatic result. Give it a go and let me know what you think. I have several other options as well that are even more effective (albeit more complicated). All I know is, I will never faucet again without protection.

Option 1:  Use a Hosts File

The hosts file is a file is a file included in most operating systems as a way of bypassing DNS lookups. If you don’t know what that is, don’t worry. Although a basic understanding of this would prove helpful, it isn’t necessary. Basically, if you come across a domain name (or url) that is displaying ads that you find particularly offensive or obtrusive, you can list that domain name in your host file and point it to your local machine instead of its actual home.

For example, if you keep getting ads from – go ahead and add the following line to your hosts file:

Once saved, try going to the website. You might be pleased to find that nothing is there… You can use this method with any url you find to be harmful or undesirable. Be cautioned though. If you start making entries to things like aren’t ads, such as the captcha verification url or a link to shared styling scripts, you’re gonna have a bad time.

Bonus Faucet-Mining Tips:

  • Use a dedicate VM - There are several freeware platforms out there you can download today and install on most operating systems that will enable you to build your own VM for faucet-mining. This allows you to limit any malware / adware footprint that you are exposed to.
    Here are some you can try:

That's all I have for now! Let me know if you have questions / comments. I'd be happy to post one of my sample host files if enough people want it. And let me know if this absolutely changed your life - or if it made you want to kill yourself. All feedback is good feedback. If feedback is positive, I'll post a few more complicated, but more effective methods...


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