Benefits of Decentralized Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

Further to the review that I posted on TechMagy, this outline of one of the dimensions of what the Myriads project seeks to be capable of achieving is rather exciting.

During the last centuries, health systems have focused on treating acute problems such as broken bones, infections, wounds, etc. If you had an infection, you went to the doctor, treated you and came home.

At this time, most health problems are chronic diseases, heart-related diseases, diabetes or asthma. The treatment of this type of diseases requires many visits to the doctor for long periods of time. In today's society, treating chronic diseases such as acute diseases will not work in the long term.

There is a need to promote self-care on the part of patients and, as far as possible, to move many treatments from health organizations to the patient's own home. The new healthcare models, where the center is the patient, have started using all available information more efficiently, which necessarily implies enhancing the real-time analysis of this information (big data) and the use of Intelligence technologies.

This is also known as Decentralized Artificial Intelligence.

Decentralized Artificial Intelligence refers to a section of computation which seeks to generate processes which reproduce the human's capacity to solve problems in a reasonable manner.

Obviously, it would not take long for this technology to understand health and its endless research. Doctors have been thrilled by the intelligence and ability of computers that process large chunks of big data. Not to mention the positive influence that AI can have on medicine such as getting a diagnosis and other things.

The benefits of applying Decentralized Artificial Intelligence in health are enormous and can include the improvement of treatments and diagnoses in many specialties (such as the well-studied oncology), fetal monitoring, identification of the risks in the mixture of administration of several drugs, prediction of re-entry, etc.

The Decentralized Artificial Intelligence networks are especially useful for finding patterns in large volumes of data such as those obtained from areas such as genomics or real-time information generated by different devices designed for self-care, such as wearables and smartphones.

Furthermore, there are numerous benefits that Decentralized Artificial Intelligence can bring to medicine aside those listed above. Some of these include:

1. Real-time reminders. With some devices that have the artificial intelligence system, the health professional is notified in real time if there is a change in the health status of the patient.

2. Data stored in the cloud. In the artificial intelligence system, data is stored in the cloud. This promotes a greater organization and information security, should data be lost, they can be easily recovered.

Furthermore, the greatest barrier to the development and application of artificial intelligence in medicine is access to information. In many cases, it is not centralized, nor standardized, nor integrated, nor shared and without information, these models cannot be developed.

A solution to this problem would be the use of cloud platforms where organizations can share information in a secure manner. In this sense, control is very important so that the information is used for the purpose for which it is shared and that it is always private and anonymous.

To achieve this, communication platforms are being developed where information is transmitted in a secure manner.

3. Reinforcement in diagnosis. The analysis of information in real time is very important for certain diseases such as diabetes and the control that must be made of blood sugar levels.

Having information of the levels in real-time allows to optimize the treatment doses daily and not wait for the scheduled visits to the doctors. This real-time analysis can help improve communication between health organizations and patients.

In many cases, patients also need changes in their daily behaviors and artificial intelligence can help motivate patients to make these changes.

In medicine, on many occasions, medical diagnosis encounters the problem of effective big data analysis. As a result, one among the greatest advantage of Artificial Intelligence in medicine is undoubtedly the aid in the diagnosis of pathologies.

We know that not every case is easily diagnosed, but with this technology, the process will become considerably calmer with much safer analyzes.

This aspect also includes the interpretation and recognition of medical reports for imaging tests such as x-rays, MRIs and CT scans, which will also benefit.

4. Telemedicine assistance. Telemedicine uses information technology and telecommunications to provide medical information and care to patients and healthcare professionals from a distance.

In recent times, it has been important in health institutions because it is an accessible alternative for analyzing the results of common tests and for the possibility of distance learning.

5. Association of symptoms to possible diseases. It is common for a set of different symptoms in a patient to indicate more than one disease. However, diagnosing each disease is often a complicated and laborious process.

From artificial intelligence, the symptoms may be automatically associated with the system and related to the patient's history producing an alert for possible diseases.

6. Organic and impartial data. Artificial Intelligence in medicine is used in entry accounting so as to aid the tracking and authenticating of data sources. This makes it possible for users to make predictions and have the ability to perform forensic data processes.

Also, as regards biased data problems, Decentralized Artificial Intelligence provides safer health care for its user. For instance, data collated through randomized trials are usually biased, as the selective nature of the trials systematically creates huge disadvantages for the elderly, women, and persons with medical conditions for those being studied. Furthermore, pregnant women are often ignored.

In conclusion, Decentralized Artificial Intelligence comes with many health benefits as highlighted above and for more help in this regard, Myriads was birthed.

Myriads is a Specialized Machine Learning Platform whose team of professionals is inventing new software and hardware methodology to machine learning.

Myriads represents an institution which is geared towards decentralizing artificial intelligence through the use of blockchain technology. From studies, it has been established that decentralized artificial intelligence is a new technological trend and when applied medically, several important issues can be addressed and thus providing users with the opportunity of regaining control of their health care.

Visit TechMagy for more about how Myriads is applying their system on the blockchain.

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