☀️ Development (+ 3,424 US$) of my experimental deposit around cryptos (2018/05/20 | May 20, 2018 evening update)

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Hi steemits!

Total result: 4,836 US$ (invest) + 3,424 US$ (winnings)
Ratio winnings / invest: 0.71

BTC is winning and is now at about 8,500 US$.

Interesting article about Bitcoin (external links):

  1. https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@lordoftruth/bitcoin-trend-series-ep-598-reversal-favorable-to-the-bulls
  2. https://wikicryptocoins.com/currency/Bitcoin

Interesting acticle about Steem (external link):

  1. https://wikicryptocoins.com/currency/Steem

Nano is winning and is now at about 6 US$.

Interesting articles about Nano (external links):

  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/8ks6vu/daily_general_discussion_may_20_2018/?st=JHF785A8&sh=16b5bcb0
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/8kddvt/nano_nano_upcoming_events_for_the_next_7_days/?st=JHD5W8W8&sh=6950f5a3
  3. https://wikicryptocoins.com/currency/Nano
  4. https://nano.org/en/whitepaper

I share my experimental deposit around virtual currencies:

US$: 797,77
📈BTC: 0.00 (my strategy: sell&buy continuously)
📈BCH: 0.00 (my strategy: no activity)
📈BTG: 0.00 (my strategy: no activity)
📈DASH: 0.00 (my strategy: no activity)
📈EOS: 0.00 (my strategy: sell&buy continuously)
📈ETC: 0.00 (my strategy: no activity)
📈ETH: 0.18 (my strategy: sell&buy continuously) - potential loss BitGrail: 0.18
📈IOTA: 104.98 (my strategy: sell&buying continuously)
📈LTC: 0.00 (my strategy: sell&buying continuously)
📈NEO: 13.01 (my strategy: sell&buy continuously)
📈OMG: 0.03 (my strategy: hold)
📈QTUM: 12.21 (my strategy: sell&buy continuously)
📈RRT: 5,652.58 (my strategy: sell&buy continuously)
📈STEEM: 1,407.74 (my strategy: buying little amounts continuously)
📈XMR: 0.10 (my strategy: buying little amounts continuously)
📈NANO: 224.22 (my strategy: selling&buying continuously) - potential loss BitGrail: 69.94
📈XRP: 286.78 (my strategy: sell&buy continuously)
📈ZEC: 0.01 (my strategy: hold)

This is no guarantee and these are no recommendations! Investments in virtual coins are highly risky. You know for instance MtGox, the thefts on Bitfinex & Coincheck & actually BitGrail and some scams like Richmond Berks, Bitsrapid . ... ;-)

Interesting articles about BitGrail (external links):

  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/8kdzlw/bitgrails_assets_frozen_by_the_courts_this_morning/?st=JHD5XTTU&sh=6e842003
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/8ghpol/grand_opening_grand_closing/?st=JGPJ968C&sh=b8217d9d
  3. https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/8g9xa2/bitgrail_is_reopening/?st=JGNYOU61&sh=112ada73
  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/8fcqvb/bitgrail_lawsuit_update_bankruptcy_petition_by/?st=JGIEX9O5&sh=f6fac712
  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/8c06nh/information_about_fbi_investigation_is_there_one/?st=JFY9YGYU&sh=be3c3746
  6. https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/8bhlly/woodland_shades_will_donate_10_of_all_nano_sales/?st=JFVH2Z1H&sh=25678ce1
  7. https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/8b0cj8/nano_foundation_announces_legal_fund_for_bitgrail/?st=JFSN1RVY&sh=4cb3e005
  8. https://www.reddit.com/r/BGinsolvency/comments/7zibto/eu_citizen_how_to_claim_100_of_your_nano_balance/?st=JFSN9TEA&sh=8664558f
  9. https://bitgrail.com/news
  10. https://xrb.life/bitgrail-lost-19-million-xrb-or-170-million-worth-of-nano-heres-what-you-can-do/

Interesting article about MtGox (external link):

Interesting article about risks investing in cryptos:


My Nano donation address is:

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Sir @ajaub1962,

Really happy to see that the cryptos are growing. Thanks for ypur update sir.

Bitcoin is unstoppable, it is the decentralized engine, though transactions are public. But untraceable currencies such as Monero are poised to capture a decent part of the market share. Stay thirsty my friends.

crypto'a are future...

imformative news.. many people will helped by your post.. thanks for share...

cryptocurrency are the future

bitcoin is unstoppable..

Learn some new from your post. Love to read it.

Great Words to live by!!!!

Very nice👍👍👍

thanks for share it with us

sir @ajaub1962