cryptocurrency ? History of cryptocurrency

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 


Anyone can use cryptocurrency You do not have to be a miner or do not have blockchain experience. Bitcoin, ether and light cone are cryptocrine, and they can be used for payment. It's like a digital dollar that can be applied online without the bank or mediators (PayPal, MasterCard). All cryptocychers use encryption and all transactions are confirmed in BlockChain.

Many types of goods and services can be purchased in easy crypto coins as credit cards. Cryptocurrencies do not depend on any government or economic situation. Market demand and speculation have the highest impact on crypto rates.

• Bittoine (BTC) - The first cryptocurrency was invented in 2009 as a peer-to-peer electronic cache system by Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is the largest market share, and now it is the highest ($ 7000 per coin). At the end of 2017, this currency increased to $ 20,000 per coin. Bitcoin also has a small number of units for micro-transactions. This is called "Satoshi" and it is equivalent to $ 0.000070

• Ether (ETH) - A cryptosurcency of ether etherium platform. Both were made by Vitalic Butcher in 2015. The difference between bitcoin is that the atherium provides more benefits than just crypto money. The platform is used to develop decentralized applications, including smart contracts.

Historical rates of bitcoin and atherium cryptocracious from 2009 are given below:

Today there are around 1500 different cryptokururia Market capitalization is approximately $ 300 billion and it is constantly changing. It is impossible to predict the rates of crypto coins. They always get up and fall. Marketing has a major impact on the cryptocurrency bubble.

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