Why I Bought EOS Tokens In The Crowd Sale!

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

I've talked about my little crypto portfolio before, and about how I've enjoyed the massive surge in crypto prices these last few months. But we can't ride this wave forever, and I certainly can't predict or even guesstimate where the markets are doing. So I choose to concentrate on the things that I CAN control: Continuing to buy crypto assets, and diversifying the portfolio so it's not 90%+ in bitcoin. The obvious goal would be rebalancing so that my bitcoin % is roughly that of it's overall market dominance, currently at 38.5% according to Coinmarketcap.com.

I've had my eye on EOS for months, but life got in the way and left me distracted. Now I have finally decide to buy and WOW that price has shot up! I have that slightly uncomfortable (greedy) feeling that I'll not make as much now as I could have done. It's irrational really, as I still expect EOS to be an exceptional investment.

Why EOS? I've heard it explained like this: Bitcoin is like gold, Ethereum is like oil, EOS is like real estate. Here's the link:

(I recommend this guy's videos).

Basically I'm investing in the PLATFORMS that other tokens will exist on. This seems a good core portfolio holding. I'm not predicting 'this one will win, this one will lose', as I'm holding BOTH Ethereum and EOS.

Eos is exciting and has the potential to be enormous, Dan Larimer is a bit of a genius. So what are we waiting for?! What held me back in the past was all the information I came across was about how brilliant the EOS tech was, but I didn't see the 'EOS token as an investment' angle explored. In other words, how would token holders benefit from EOS becoming phenomenally successful (which I think it will)? Well watching 'The Awakenment' videos (link posted above) gave me my 'aaahhhh' moment. The USERS of the DAPPS that will run on EOS won't pay to use (unlike ethereum), instead the DAPP developers will buy (or rent) EOS tokens to gain access to the network resources. And EOS has the ability to scale biggly. Ethereum is maxed out with one novelty app like Crypto Kitties running on it, it's not yet able to scale. EOS will have the ability to scale on a massive scale right out of the box.

In the summer of 2016 I ran an ether miner on a graphics card and earned some ether before the difficulty increased too much and I turned the thing off. At the time an eth was $8 or something, in hindsight I should have kept mining. I then received some eth classic when that fork occurred and sold them to buy a few more eth. So I've taken some of these eth and used them to buy EOS. It'll be funny if EOS moons as I'll have originally spent some electricity (say $3) mining one eth. Then eth mooned. Then I used it to buy say 90 EOS and THAT mooned. It could be investing $3 in electricity and getting a $9000 investment return! (assuming EOS performs like it should)

Coming next: HOW I bought EOS in the crowd sale.

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Love a bit of EOS!

Haha :)

This coin is going to be a killer, it is great for the future amazing long-term profitability

I think so too.