Consentium: Monetizing Your Group Chats

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 

Found this interesting ICO on the coin that is Consentium.

Users get paid to create group chats.

Though yet another platform for communities incentivized to engage with one another, I found this one to be pretty unique as it focuses on the idea of chatting with one another.

Most up and coming decentralized platforms today focus on content monetization instead.

Can't say I've enough foresight to truly expand all possibilities, but it's pretty cool nonetheless. From reading the white paper:

  • Encouraging people to chat. Boom.
  • Allowing Consentium to be the go-to chat app for anything crypto.
  • Expansion into stickers, much like Line.
  • Allowing merchants to chat and sell.
  • Encouraging companies to use the app to communicate and get paid for it.
  • Bot monetization, like the ones in Telegram (although I wonder if it'd create a problem of too much regurgitated content, like what we have here on Steemit thanks to the bots.)

What do you all think?

Check out the links below for more info:

Official site:
Medium articles:



White paper:

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