late night crypto thought

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

while i had company over for dinner earlier this evening bitcoin was brought up and my father said that bitcoin will probably not be the coin that succeeds it is the steeping stone of technology(block-chain) that will lead to wonderful things. this was amazing for me to hear since my father is a conservative wall street type of investor.

but any ways to my main point what if the currency that sucseeds is not even created yet. hard to imagine, but not really among all of the crap coins that come out on what seems to be a daily basis there are coins that are trying to be real and may never get there with all of the current crap coin superstition.

in all i think that whatever coin succeeds will have to be easily understood like fiat is.

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I have heard some people say the same thing. Crypto investing is such a crazy gamble :)

i totaly agree i never want to put to much in for that reason