Cowries to Crypto Currency - an AMORIST THEORY on the Evolution of Currency

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 


When historians discuss the creation of money they start on the advent of bartering, but rarely speak about the decision to barter in the first place. Why did we decide to barter? Why not continue to pillage one another to obtain the resources we need? In this short essay, I explore the concept of the awakening of love consciousness and how it inspired currency.

In order to barter, consciousness had to shift. People had to make a revolutionary decision to meet in peace. They decided that the lives of the members of their tribe were more important than the risk of a violent interaction. People decided that everyone's lives were more valuable than the objects of trade. Love went mainstream and people decided to develop positive relationships and peaceful exchanges This was a massive expansion of loving awareness. Trade grew because of the benefits of sharing resources, but populations were only able to increase because of a mutual appreciation for others’ unique skills and resources.

The effectiveness of bartering was originally dependent on the amount of value of a given resource. Love and value are intrinsically tied. It is impossible to feel love without identifying value in the object of love; and in turn, it is impossible to feel value without the effect of love. In essence, bartering became an act of love. Whether it was self-love for an increase of well being, or driven by love for the tribe, bartering enabled people to live better lives.

Bartering had its limits. In order to increase the number of goods being shared, money (a symbol of value) was developed. When money developed as a symbol of value as opposed to limitations of trading specific resources, there was again a fundamental shift in our cognitive behavior. There was a sudden widespread acceptance of a story as opposed to a material reality. Society as a whole agreed to BELIEVE in the value of cowries followed by limited precious metals.

In a relatively short period of time, we went from bartering plants and animals to using cowries, coins, and paper currency. In 1930, the gold standard was revised and the price of gold was an electronic-based out popular consent, actions were taken, beliefs around money started to shift, and the beginning of electronic-based transactions were corrupted by political powers.

The shift to an electronic system of wealth funded many facets of society, including violence, oppression and control. Political powers seemed to gain an almost unlimited amount of control. The abuse of this control now sparks the next phase in our evolution of currency, and we now gather to use our collective voice to redetermine the value we choose to add to one another’s life. This is the reason I support and promote cryptocurrency. To regain control of our ability to create a positive experience of life to others regardless of the power dynamics they were born into. !

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