in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 


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Hey guys! Back at it again with posts to keep you up to date with upcoming events.

Wednesday 29-08-18

Dex (DEEX) - Listing on alpha.deex.exchange
Tokenomy (TEN) - Listing of seven ERC20 tokens on Tokenomy
BitBay (BAY) - Prog. smart contracts

Thursday 30-08-18

Tron (TRX) - TVM mainnet lauch
Wax (WAX) - Settlement contract
Einsteinium (EMC2) - MainNet lighting network
Vexanium (VEX) - Listing IDAX
Citadel (CTL) - Launching CTL-Pay and launching CTL Webminer
Locktrip (LOC) - Credit card support
DEN-X (DENX) - Echange listing
LockTrip (LOC) - Content improvement
Velox (VLX) - New whitepaper release

Friday 31-09-18

Ethereum classic (ETC) - JIT Compilation
ClearPoll (POLL) - ClearPoll official launch
Bytecoin (BCN) - Hardfork
Siacoin (SC) - Tech updates

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