Fork risk for BCH

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

BCH has risked an unexpected fork because of an error in BitcoinABC (the reference client of Cash) contained in the 0.17 version, version 0.17.1 solves the problem. If you have downloaded 0.17 an update is strongly recommended, as long as all the mining pools have not updated to 0.17.1 the risk of temporary fork remains and the outdated version will follow the wrong chain.
The problem was communicated to the BitcoinABC developers last month and the patch was distributed to the main BCH mining pools before the release was released.
In practice it was possible to construct transactions that were accepted as valid by the offending version but not by other versions of BCH clients. Tell me your opinion 2703BF48-7C06-457E-A804-82D4848B1312.jpeg

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