RE: Steem Dollars are $8 EACH??!?!?!! Sell as much as you can!!

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Steem Dollars are $8 EACH??!?!?!! Sell as much as you can!!

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

alright, sounds good to me. The only thing I sort of find frustrating about bittrex is how the "amount" is always relative to bitcoin from a % perspective. For instance, what I would love is to easily see the $ associated with each % as well. For instance, I will bid .000034452 and I would like for it to say that's $8.45; I know it says it on the actual page, but I want to also see it other places, like on my orders page or my transaction history on the SBD page instead of just showing the crazy percent that I have no idea what $ value that equates to. Do you know of a way to fix this? So I exported my orders in csv and put into excel to then put a dollar amount on the percentages, but the annoying this I still don't know the exact $ amount I bought or sold for because the percent changes based on what the current Bitcoin $ amount is (at least I think this is how its working....) I want to see the actual $ amount I bought and sold for at the time of buying or selling.

I'll have to check out that app.

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Nope, the only way to trade in dollar values is to trade it in dollars. Usually this means USDT (which is not USD, but a crypto tethered to USD.. lots of distrust going around it currently). Bittrex lists only a handful of coins in USDT.

The way I do it is that I keep an eye on and write down the dollar amounts when I buy. It's not perfect, but it's something. Unfortunately the Bitcoin price makes everything look like it's going down, but really Bitcoin is just going up a lot.

The fact everything is traded in Bitcoin is also the reason why Bitcoin is valued so much by the way. It is like how dollars are worth a lot because that is what oil is sold in, Bitcoin is worth a lot because that's what you use to buy other crypto. Oftentimes you can also trade in Ethereum, by the way.

cool, thanks for the info. Yeah I bought one Ethereum, then sold about athird of it to buy smaller stuff for my "weekly trading". I also bought 1 Litecoin which I plan on just holding.