in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

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Steemit. My dear old friend. There comes a time when you either gotta give it your a-game, or somebody's gonna swoop in and beat you at your own game.

I'm sure all of you know of the popular blogging platform Tumblr. They've spent years learning how to do a blogging site right, and have all the features any blogger would ever want.

Imbedded video. Private Messaging. Being able to reblog posts that are over a week old. Being able to use more than five tags and actually find stuff when you search for it. Ect.

Well anyway, today they released a new cryptocurrency.

I have tons of followers on Tumblr, and get lots of likes and reblogs all the time, so I racked up some of their new crypto pretty quickly. It's this cool little thing called tumblcoin. You get it by tumbling across tumblr. Makes sense, right?

And it's green. Green is a way better color than teal.
Or... aqua. Or. Whatever that weird off-blue color that Steemit's logo is.

But seriously look at this green coin, it's great, man:

Within just an hour or so, I had over 50 tumblcoins. I now only have about 14 of them, but that's because I bought some of the cool new features they added to their site today.

One of which is a horse.

I bought a horse.

Think like cryptokitties, except you can actually play with it.

It died though, so I had to buy another one, but it's still pretty lit.


Anyway, I'm just posting all this to let y'all know that if you need me, you can find me over on Tumblr, where in their first day they've already outdone Steemit on the whole "cryptocurrency blogging platform" thing.


Time to amass that sweet sweet tumblcoin with all that tumblr fame I've been gettin' recently~


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Hey, they sold you my horse. You best take care of ole' Bucky. A cryptopony, hahaha that would be funny.

Oh, sorry mate, Bucky died.
I'm tending to the Earl of Sestosia now!

I'll sell you her ponies for the cheap cheap price of 30TBC though.

Lol horse killer. And to think I raised him to not throw people off anymore. :-)

Nice one, you got me! :D


stop horsing around and goodbye :)

Neigh to that my good man ;P You couldn't kick me off this horse if you tried!

Are you kicking a dead horse? I don't want to be a nag though.