in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

‪+234 813 692 1996‬ 20170708_052230.jpgBlockbuster refused to buy Netflix (Netflix was literally laughed out of that meeting) for $50 million
-Netflix is now worth $64.7 BILLION
MySpace rejected Facebook's original purchase price
-Facebook is now worth $439 BILLION
Ross Perot refused to buy into Microsoft for $60 million

  • Microsoft is now worth $507.5 BILLION
    George Bell the then CEO of Excite refused to buy Google for $750,000
    -Google is now worth $641 BILLION
    When people say "no" to you... KEEP GOING. You are worth more than you know and your time is coming. When people laugh at your goals and dreams, let them laugh and keep going, they will be the same ones to regret their decision to laugh at you in the future
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