COOPEX - The cooperative exchange

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 


Coopex project

The current world of cryptocurrency exchanges here the new projects are struggling with being listed on a reputable exchanges according to their merit. If a small project hope to be listed on a reputable exchanges, usually they take long do so and it should face high charges of that exchanges and even after giving payments they are getting listed on exchanges. finally exchange users are also being faced high fees for their daily transaction they make. Deposit fees, makers fees and withdrawal fees these all fees going towards exchanges. now days users are not getting any gains but simply they are facing exchanges high fees.

But coopex means cooperative exchange is going to solve all these serious issues by giving a reputable exchange and coopex is providing zero tolerance policy for its token holders and insider trading. It will show transperancy about all its policies, process and with its users. Coopex created an exchange that gives its trading fees back to its users and investors that is 75% of its whole collected fees and buyback every month it's tokens and burn it this program leads to increase the token price and decrease the total supply of token. The main thing of Cooperative exchange is taking no fees from new ERC20 standard token to get listed on its exchange.

Coopex Customer Service

In the present day many exchanges have poor customer service. User need to wait for a month to have their account unlocked and also projects wait moths to get listed. At coopex providing reliable customer service no need to wait moths to unlock their accounts and to get listed.

Cooperative exchange provided an application programming interface - (means is a set of subroutine definitions, communication protocols and tools for building software) for developers to build the best exchange.

Advantages of Cooperative exchange

  • Cooperative exchange beginning version is already launched and it's trading fees are very low and convenient, it's vital advantage is, it will share its 75% of its trading fees to its token holders.

  • The funds collected during coopex ICO thats 50% will go towards marketing.

  • Here users are easily trade their tokens because it is using smart contracts to execute all the transactions such as buy, withdrawal and funds transfer etc.

  • In the present scenario many exchanges are there and they are demanding more fees as 5 BTC or 10 BTC to list the new projects on their exchanges or they are simply saying you should compete with our community projects or any other projects that are trying to be listed and if you win we will list your project on our exchange but you failed to win you should pay 5 BTC then you will get listed. but here new exchange coopex is going to solve all these are major issues and it is taking no fees from new ERC20 standard token to being listed on its exchange this is the main advantage for new ERC20 token projects and also it taking low trading and withdrawal fees.

About Cooperative exchange token

Cooperative exchange token is one of the best and ERC20 standard token it's token name is (COOP) In the coopex platform and it's token price will increase and total supply will decrease why it will be happend because it will use collected 75% of its trading fees to buy back every month it's tokens and after that it will burn them. this program leads to increase the token price In the cryptocurrency market.

Token name : COOP

Token price : 1COOP = 0.0002 ETH
1ETH = 10,000 COOP

Platform : Ethereum

Accepting : ETH, BTC, BCH

Soft cap : 500,000 USD

Hard cap : 900,000 USD

Expected circulating supply : 10,000,000

Total supply : 12,000,000



To learn more about coperative exchange kindly follow these links

Website :

White paper :

ANN Thread :

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