SUQA: Project Review Mining

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 

The platform SUQA is a changed Bitcoin blockchain. Truth be told, this is the fourth era blockchain. He can withstand the assault of a quantum computer. Because of the finish of the convention, the organization group figured out how to build the speed of exchanges and lessen its expense to right around zero. This is an officially practiced venture that shows itself from the incredible side and I for one keep it in my portfolio. Furthermore, one more essential point, the task did not have an ICO. They do everything all alone. Today we will discuss why I picked this task for venture and what are the upsides of SUQA coin holders and how to profit on it.

This task will enable a considerable lot of us to win. In the first place, the platform will pay 5%. Because we keep their coins on the wallet. Also, if in comparative undertakings, we needed to keep the wallet on constantly, at that point you can simply download it, purchase coins, send it to your wallet. Also, disregard them and just get%. It's extraordinary. Be that as it may, that isn't all. They won't have any commission expenses. Truly, it sounds somewhat unbelievable, however it is. They additionally have a fast, 533 exchanges for each second. They don't have an ace hub, and there was no primer mining. That is the reason I picked this undertaking for my portfolio. As I would like to think they have a major future. Indeed, this isn't a coin on which you make moment X's. What's more, at this phase of our digital currency existence with you, there are no such project any longer. The project SUQA is intended for long haul speculations. For miners, they additionally have uplifting news. They will utilize the X22i algorithm. What's more, as we probably am aware with the assistance of this calculation, we will have the capacity to utilize CPU and GPU. All things considered, all miners comprehend this is an immense in addition to. Consequently, having a basic PC with a video card, mineworkers utilizing the program will have the capacity to get coins and the more ground-breaking the video card, the more prominent will be the pay.

Coin SUQA you can discover on coinmarketcap. Currently trading on numerous cryptocurrency trading platform. Truly, these are not top exchanges, but rather even on such trades there are great volumes for such a potential projects. SUQA is currently ranked 557 on the coinmarketcap. I think about this as an incredible accomplishment for the SUQA group, they are going the correct way. The project has its very own blockchain. In like manner, they have their very own wallet. Which you can download on their site SUQA.

This is the thing that a basic excavator is simply searching for. Since basic digger has some GPUs to mine and dependably needs a steady and productive coin to mine. For the most part excavators contrast SUQA and Raven undertaking and Raven X16R algo dont have an impervious to ASIC and FPGA yet. Furthermore, when the siphons come to Raven each enormous ranches came and made the trouble so hard and basic diggers affected this to such an extent.

And furthermore SUQA group guarantee to build the chain estimate with further hashing stages (x33i, x24i, and so forth) to be discharged occasionally. This will definitally counteract ASIC and FPGA creators to make another gadget to mine SUQA coin.

SUQA coin Max Supply is 1.18 billion and has 5000 coins square rewards for the time being.

Also, there is a dividing soon (aprox 10 days) and the square reward will diminish 2500 coins.

  • 1 to 22,000: 10,000 = 220,000,000
  • 22,001 to 50,000: 5,000 = 139,995,000
  • 50,001 to 100,000: 2.500 =124,997,500
  • 100,001 to 200,000: 1.250 = 124,998,750
  • 200,001 to 400.000: 625= 124,999,375
  • 400,001 to 1,500,000: 312,5=343,749,688

Add up to SUPPLY: 1,078,740,313 or more 10% for organizers charge will be mined in 5.78 years

MAX TOTAL : 1,186,614,344 SUQA will be mined.

Presently lets talk about the advantages of SUQA.

– The task is new and on the off chance that you are a GPU excavator u can mine and hold it to the following splitting and benefit more. SUQA isn’t a clone of any old coin venture.

– ASIC and FPGA safe. Since X22i algo needs more memory than any not ASIC safe algo the ASIC architects needs to put on it more memory yet it makes it more costly.

– SUQA group plan to hard fork two times per year. This implies ASIC chip producers and FPGA coders cannot intrigued by this coin since this makes it so costly.

Alright in the event that you comprehend the advantages of SUQA and perhaps you need to mine or contribute this undertaking.

In the event that you are not a mineworker you can purchase this coin at some notable trades like crypto-connect, tradeogre, myqbtc and escodex. You can see the volumes and current costs interface underneath:

Finally SUQA venture is new and the greater part of excavators just mining ETH and RVN however SUQA is more beneficial to mine and has more benefit potantial than Raven. Since there is a dividing soon and new Exchange (Cryptopia) will make the value more than this. Also, we saw that when BTC dumped from $6500 to $4300 the majority of altcoins dumped all the more however SUQA coin cost by BTC remain consistent.

SUQA Token Information

  • Coin name: SUQA
  • Code: SUQA
  • Algorithm: X22i
  • Types of coins: tyts
  • Maximum delivery: 1.078.740.313 + 10% free dev
  • Block time: 2 minutes
  • Maximum block size: 16 MB
  • Maximum Tx / s: 533 Tx / s
  • Difficulties Migrate Algo: DarkGravityV3
  • RPC port: 20971
  • P2P port: 20970
  • Iko: No
  • Pre Mine: No
  • Masternost: Not
  • Advance Sale: No

Road map

Project Information:

My Bitcointalk: princessjenyz

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