Breaking!! $23 USD LITECOIN MOONSHOT! It was finally added to Coinbase today and the Crypto Universe responds in a frenzy of Crypto Love! - Up + 40% so far today!!

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)

After many many weeks of LiteCoin gains with Segwit progress, and the news it would be added to Coinbase- today was the big day folks! Here are the various official sources to your LiteCoin fix if you love it like some of us!!

I decided to see what Charlie Lee was up to when I got home (the $LTC founder) and he had shared info on his Twitter feed, so here is my overview of the YUGE news today for LiteCoin.

Annnd then officially the Lightning Network for LiteCoin was announced too!!!

1 month chart on Polo:

1 day chart on Polo: I love seeing All Time Highs on charts, don't you??

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c

LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE

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BarryDutton Barry Dutton tweeted @ 03 May 2017 - 20:50 UTC

Breaking!! #LITECOIN MOONSHOT! $LTC finally added to Coinbase 2day +#CryptoCurrency #Markets respond in frenzy!

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Buckle up, the ride is just getting started!

Can this be my retirement fund now?


#HODL !!!

Just roll with it!

Slap a maple leaf on that logo and just make it a national currency, eh?

I would support that!!

Barry it's time to be 100% honest with us. You would support anything with a maple leaf on it wouldn't you? WOULDN'T YOU!!!!!

I am honestly less impressed with imaginary borders imposed on humanity by the rulers and the sociopaths than I used to be.

That is honest.

Mmmhhhmmmmm, I see, but you haven't answered the question about the maple leaf :P

Maple syrup is better.

That really should be the currency here.

or duct tape.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

What about duct tape made of braided maple leaves using maple syrup as the adhesive?

Why aren't you the Prime Minister here???

Citizenship issues???

We take anyone!!

I was going to buy a few days ago :/ too late?

Probably not. Always nice to diversify in solid investments.

This is true. The price definitely has room to climb

Especially if SegWit and Lightning are implemented before Bitcoin (which seems rather likely at this point).

Good point.. Hopefully I can get in at the right time haha

It depends on whether you believe in the coin and all their projects or not!!

Today was a moonshot day. You could still likely beat the crowds to get a couple today and see long term gains, I think you have yet to see the best of this coin with all the news they are connected to.

I agree completely. I believe in the long term for the coin but would rather not end up buying on a high haha

We did have many warnings that LTC would be added to Coinbase so I really should have been in sooner

I think LTC will climb up to about 50$ in under two months. Because of segwit and maybe some news on about implementing the lightning network. What do you think?

I hope so myself!!!

That 40% hype train. :^) Pepper your angus for the next few drops and everyone freaking out.

This news was coming for awhile. LTC means a lot to the Crypto-verse.

Pepper my angus, I like that a lot LOL

I just hope that my cynical approach to this is shot down by an continual increase.

Well, How can I disagree with this


There will be another bump when lightning officially hits.

I'm not aware of what you speak of. I am quite curious, so if it isn't too much to ask would you care to help a brother out and explain? [:

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Great news. Actually i bought 104 LTC just before SegWit locked up and the price unexpectedly fall slightly, finally LTC waked up.
Really i think LTC should reach at least 30$ short and 100$ long, it is doing what consider the most valuable thing to crypto space which is ending BTC scaling debate. Add to that a possibility of being an efficient side chain for BTC, that will make LTC a super-fast trusted coin for trading.
Thanks for the news @barrydutton, I thought the surge because of SegWit, i hope you are fine and enjoying.

Great reply... you covered so many important angles here I agree with.

Thanks for the kind words also!!! Be well!

I may have fallen in love with you Barry.

IDK if you are a guy or a girl but on a day like today, who cares LOL

I loveth me the Silver to Bitcoin's gold!!!!

go LiteCoin and Charlie Lee!!!

Thanks for commenting today!! It has been awhile, hope you are good !!

Not a bad day for Litecoin that's for sure! Now... will Lightning strike?

Oh yes, it is in this post actually in one of the official key screenshots of the day, that is the other reason LTC is mooning!!

I just love LTC so much, Charlie Lee is a neat dude who started it, for those of the noobs reading!

I just purchased my first LiteCoin from my Coinbase account!!! woot woot !!!

I love it! LOL

Good for you!!!

Thanks for stopping by today!

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