Starting to Invest as a Student: Control-Finance, Ambis, BTCClock

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

Even as a student, I have big dreams. I want to do this and buy that. But I have limited budget. I can only rely on the weekly allowance I receive from my parents, and a small salary from my part time job. Given such conditions, I made haste to the internet. Wanting to learn how to earn more money, wanting to learn how to make money grow by itself since I already have my hands full with studies, family relationships, and work.

This is where I came across the latest trend in the world: cryptocurrencies. Bitcoins, Ethers, Litecoins, you name it. Never was a day in the news where cryptocurrency isn't discussed. I thought, if only I started to put my money in this a year before, I would have quadruple of that amount by now since Bitcoin went from 600USD last year to 2700USD today. I regretted using money buying some of my game consoles, I regretted wasting money on buying worthless toys that only satisfied me for only a few hours. I thought, if I only used that money to buy Bitcoin instead, I would have those things and will be able to buy other things still.

But you can't cry over spilled milk, it's pointless, it's useless, it's a waste of time. I decided I need to move forward. I decided I need to act now, study, and make profits while I still can. Because as you know, the crypto-world is still in its early stages, it can still grow and its value will continue to rise. But I have this another problem, I easily panic, I don't have the courage to daytrade nor swing trade. I can hold and hope that the value will rise, but normally I would panic when I see the price going down quickly. I needed other alternatives in getting into the cryptoworld.

And this, is where I meet the following websites: Control-Finance, Ambis, and BTCClock (links below). These three sites do the same thing, they ask you to invest money, and they guarantee you getting daily gains according to your investment. How are they able to do this you ask? They have bots that engage in trading in the crypto-market, giving substantial profits every single day. Of course, this will raise an alarm with a lot of people saying it is a scam and it is impossible to receive profits this way. I don't blame you, with all the ponzi schemes that occurred within these few years, I can understand your skepticism, this is why before moving forward, I just want you to make sure that I'm only stating my opinion and my analysis regarding these things. With that in mind, let's discuss them one by one.

1. Control-Finance - 

Control Finance is the first site I found where there is a minimum deposit of 10USD worth of BTC. It offers a daily gain of 1%, meaning at a mere 100 days, you can get your money back and continue to earn. Furthermore, it also gives you the offer to automatically reinvest that 1% per day so that you would get bigger gains in the following days, given a mathematical equation, if you allow it to automatically reinvest for 463 days, you would then be getting at least 100% of your gains PER DAY. Sounds good isn't it? But there's more, if you invest more, you get better rates. For example, with a total deposit of 300USD worth of BTC, you get 1.1%, with 1000USD, you get 1.25%, with 4500USD, you get 1.4%, and with at least 10000USD, you get 1.5% per day. Allowing you to get ROI faster. If you wanna join, you can use the referral link I put above, it would honestly help me when you deposit, because apart from the benefits stated above, the website also has an affiliation program, where you get benefits based from the referrals you bring to the company. Which is pretty much helpful and you can read more of those in the website. This is what I consider safest so far between the three because of how long they have been providing their services already. Furthermore, you can see their weekly reports of their trading, which assures you how they earn profit and how they sustain the business. Other paperworks are also transparent in the site so that you can see that they are a registered company and easily contactable.

2. Ambis -

Ambis is the newest site that provides the same difference but with some minor differences. The first is that instead of daily payouts, it has a minimum hourly payout of 0.15%. Meaning assuming that you don't reinvest, you'll get 3.6% per day. And if you reinvest, you get 3.6627%. Instead of 100 days of standard ROI, you get 28 days. And with reinvestment ROI, you have 128 days. They also have a different tier system, giving higher gains than Control Finance. It also has a difference with its referral program, such that you can get a specific percentage of your referrals' deposits. There are three catches though, the first is that instead of a minimum of 10USD worth of bitcoins, it has a minimum of 0.01 BTC deposit, meaning you need to have a higher capital amount. The second is that, you are required to take out your deposit after 3 months of it being actively working in the site, then you can only reinvest after 24 hours. Last is that, you need to be more careful and wary of this one since it has a whopping 3% daily payout, 3x of what Control Finance offers. I just want you to take note of this and be aware of the risks of getting into this site, but as for me, I'll be putting my trust in the site and will be checking every now and then. Again, the referral link is above and would help me a lot if you use it.

3. BTCClock -

Last but not the least is BTCClock, where it offers a whopping 3.84% daily rate. Again, unlike the first two mentioned having a daily/hourly payout, BTCClock offers giving at least 15 Satoshi every 1 minute. It works like the same, but it doesn't have a tier list for having a higher amount of deposit. Furthermore, the referral system is also different, it offers a 15% commission to your referrals. Other than that, all is good and it holds the same warnings to the other sites. The referral link, for the last time, is given and would really appreciate you using it.

Conclusion, after checking this, you might be skeptical given that you can be earning a lot of money in such a short of time. But assuming that the crypto-world will continue to go boom within these next few months, these sites certainly can support themselves and bring profit to you and me. I don't want to regret not going in again, I don't want to wish an impossible dream of going back in time wanting to be able to invest in this market earlier. As for you, make a choice, I did not come here to force anyone, I just wanted to share what I found and hope that others may also receive help from it. With that, thank you for reading and have a good day.

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