MatchPS road to a Airdrop and ICO!

in cryptocurrency •  4 years ago  (edited)


White paper



First of all, I want to thank you for taking the time to read and understand this project. I will start with a short introduction and the reason I started this project. Years ago I started in the recruitment market as a Developer. I soon noticed that most recruiters use conventional methods to recruit new people. They used methods like work experience and the educational backgrounds to make a match. Some of the candidates were invited for an initial interview but failed to complete the first round of interviews. Some candidates were hired, but after a few months both parties decided that it wasn't a good match.

After a few years I still saw no innovation in the market and conventional methods were still used to recruit candidates. In my head I started to develop an idea how things could go better and smoother with new technology and innovations. After a few years I developed that idea into the MPS project Matching. MPS is based on personally developed Skills of a person, both developed in the work atmosphere and in a personal atmosphere, combined with skills learned in education.

In short, a person is more than just work experience and education. A person develops new skills throughout his life and if you put all these skills together in an algorithm, you get a much better match results than through conventional methods. So with the popular staking and earning tokens when a profile is created, this is a project combined with blockchain and the recruiting world. A project Filled with technology.

Read on for a detailed explanation of this project.


MPS is a recruitment tool based on skills combined with earning MPS tokens through the Ethereum blockchain. The technology behind this is our database and of course the Ethereum blockchain. Our database exists out of all known skills and occupations. With the data we can make a better match than conventional matching and we build the smart contracts for staking and tokens on the ethereum blockchain.

When a company posts a vacancy on our website, the company fills the vacancy with the necessary skills that are required to fulfill the position. Meanwhile a candidate has filled in a profile with the skills that the person contains, including skills that the candidate has acquired in working experience, education, hobby and personal development.

So when a profile has been created for the candidate and a vacancy on the company side, it will be matched through our database. The database therefore checks how many skills match the vacancy and the available profiles. When enough skills match, there is a match. See diagram below.

How does it work?
What you see here is a vacancy where four skills are required (This is an example because a normal person has around 100 skills or more). A candidate has created a profile with five skills. When this data enters the database, a match is made as shown here as an example.


How does it work?
Matching is a product without a recruiter because it’s an automated process. First, the process of the current way of recruiting is explained under the heading "Recruitment process" where a recruiter is still used. Under the heading "MatchPS process" you are told how matching is done through MPS and how recruiters are obsolete and no longer needed.

Recruitment Process
The diagram below is a conventional method of recruiting people. It actually starts with establishing contact between the recruiter and a company. The recruiter will check with the company to see if there is an open vacancy to fill it. When the recruiter is allowed to search for the company, a vacancy is posted on the recruiter's website. The recruiter will check their data to see if there is a suitable candidate to fill the vacancy. If not, the recruiter must wait until a suitable candidate registers on the website or applies for the vacancy of the relevant vacancy.
When a candidate has registered on the website and has filled the application with all work experience and education, the candidate will be interviewed with the recruiter to see if there is a match for the open vacancy. If there is common ground, based on the work experience, the candidate is introduced to the company. The candidate goes to the company for an interview and the company will assess to see if the candidate will match the vacancy. When the company is convinced that there is some common ground, the candidate starts working at the company. The conventional recruitment is a quite expensive process for a company before the candidate even starts working there.


MatchPS Process
How does MatchPS work?
This diagram is how MatchPS works and without recruiters. The candidate creates a profile on the MatchPS website and goes through a wizard to highlight his skills. A profile has now been created with all the skills that the candidate has. Meanwhile a company has posted a vacancy with the necessary skills on the MatchPS website. The database will match possible candidates and the company can see if there is a 100% match. Now they can get in contact with the candidate to invite the candidate for an interview.


The same applies to a company when a profile is created. A company also goes through a wizard to fill the vacancy with skills.


Wizard walkthrough
When the candidate has registered a profile, the candidate will enter a wizard in which the candidate can complete the profile with skills by using an autocomplete. In the wizard there is an option to choose a profession and select a predefined skillsets. From here it is easy to scroll through the list of skills and remove skills that don’t apply to the candidate. The candidate can also choose a hobby and choose the appropriate skills using the autocomplete. This will give a good overview of all the skills from which to choose from.

Earn Token
When the candidate creates a profile and completes the wizard tokens are earned. The more a profile is completed, the more MPS tokens the candidate can earn. The maximum a candidate can earn is 100 MPS.
How does it work?
When the candidate creates a profile on the website, the candidate goes through a wizard to fill in skills as much as possible. When completed the tokens will be shown in the profile. The candidate then fills in an ERC20 compatible address and presses the withdrawal button. The candidate will receive the tokens within 24 hours.

Match Bonus
When there is a match with a company and the candidate actually starts working at the company, the candidate will receive 500 MPS as a bonus. So, the total MPS the candidate can earn is 600 for a completed profile and match.
How does it work?
When the candidate have gone through the entire hiring process and started working at the company, the company will inform us about the start of the candidate and we will send the MPS bonus to the candidates ERC20 wallet.


By staking cryptocurrency we mean the purchase of crypto tokens to put them in a smart contract for a certain period of time. You can compare this with depositing money, as you used to do at the bank. You would then receive a fixed interest every year on the money in your account.
In this case, you deposit your purchased MPS crypto tokens in the smart contract for 7 days and receive 10% interest on top of the crypto tokens you have deposited. After 7 days you can easily claim your locked crypto tokens and interest and it will be sent to the appropriate ERC20 wallet.

How does it work?
When the candidate buys MPS tokens on an exchange, trades MPS tokens on an exchange or receives MPS tokens through the recruitment portal, the candidate can put tokens in the MPS stake contract. The steps are quite simple through Web3 connected wallets like MetaMask.

Matching Database

The database is the engine of the matching platform. The database consists of collected skills and professions in many different languages. The focus for now is on English in the future we will add more languages to the database. With the data the candidate can find all the skills out there. The skills are linked to the relevant professions through an algorithm.

Visualized Data
Because it is a lot of data and for some perhaps less clear, we have put the data in a 3D graphic to make it easier to follow the relationships.


Company pay model
When a company wants to post a vacancy on the website, a company can take a subscription per month or pay once to post a vacancy. These are the only costs a company has to match with a candidate.
In 2021 we will come up with the fee per subscriber and the price for placing one vacancy.

Token Details
MPS token
Max circulation:
Build on:
Ethereum blockchain as ERC20

Contract Details
Details on the token contract and staking contract can be found at the following link. You can find the code under the heading contract.

Token contract: Live with the airdrop
Stake contract: Live with the airdrop

Our goal is to be on the top exchange but we need funds for this. We hope the community sees the potential of this project and will invest to see their investment grow. So it is a community based project.

How to get on an exchange?
We use funds raised in the presale to get on an exchange.


40% of all tokens is sold in a presale.

20% is used for staking & matching rewards.

15% is used for marketing.

10% is used for the team & legal and financial advice.

10% is used for future development.

5% is used for an airdrop.

Presale MPS token

Sell rate for 1 MPS token = 0.01 USD.

Minimum = 3000 MPS token per person.

Maximum = 120000 MPS token per person.

We want to make it fair for everyone to buy MPS tokens.


Where we stand and what are our plans for the future:

2020 — Development website for matching and staking.

01–2021 — Website for staking is live

01–2021 — Getting a community

02–2021 — Start of the fundraiser

03–2021 — End of the fundraiser

03–2021 — Audit contracts

03–2021 — Staking begins for year

03–2021 — Get on a top Exchange

03–2021 — Marketing campaign

04–2021 — Get on another top exchange

06–2021 — Finish Match Platform and go live

07–2021 — Get on another top exchange

07–2021 — Marketing campaign to get visitors and company interested for using MPS Platform

08–2021 — Add more data to the database for a even better match

02–2022 — Get more companies and users to use the platform

And much more development and new features are coming to the website, so stay tuned.


This is the end of the whitepaper. As you have read, it is a different view on recruitment and more forward-looking. You save enormously on hiring new people because the usefulness of recruiters and the additional costs disappear. So matching is done by an algorithm and no longer by a recruiter. By combining the recruitment market with Blockchain, a unique concept is created and a nice addition to the beautiful innovations within the Crypto market. We also hope that you see this as an investment in the future with great potential.

In short
● No need for expensive recruiters.
● Automated process for matching a candidate to a vacancy.
● Combined with Blockchain technology.





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