New York Times – A Bitcoin Hedge Fund’s Return: 25,004% (That Wasn’t a Typo)
All right, all right. But it's not completely wrong with the millionaires either. But this is also about professionals.
Jameson Lopp - Securing Your Financial Sovereignty
With Bitcoin's financial freedom comes responsibility. Anyone who appreciates this and is still looking for a desirable goal for 2018: How about a full node?
European Commission – Project to prevent criminal use of the dark web and virtual currencies launched by international consortium
A consortium of institutions from seven European countries is launching a project to adequately counteract the "criminal use" of virtual currencies. But who actually defines "criminal use"?
Blockchain Graveyard
An interesting, albeit incomplete overview of hacks and attacks experienced by various crypto-institutions over the years. That was the end for many, but today everyone can still learn from it.
Daniel Morgan – The Great Bitcoin Scaling Debate — A Timeline
Those who have more time and want to understand why a lot of Bitcoin is as it is today will find many answers here.
Pineapple Fund
Very smart move! Someone gives away most of his Bitcoins to non-profit organizations because he has more money than he needs for a decent life. (So much for the Bitcoin millionaires). With more than 5000 Bitcoins inlay a quite handsome pot. So far, nine organizations have already received up to $1 million dollars each. Of course documented on the blockchain. If you want to apply quickly (interest is high as expected), click here. Individuals, however, have rather bad chances.
Goldman Sachs – Blockchain. The new technology of trust
Unlike other major banks, Goldman Sachs has fully understood the potential of Bitcoin and the Blockchain. They show this in the above, pleasantly entertaining blockchain explanation website and will probably soon also start trading in cryptocurrencies.
Blockchain Glossary
And who still has questions: Here is a small reference book for those who are not sure what crypto slang and technical terms like FUD, Locktime or Replay Attacks mean.
Four Years of Token Sales, Visualized in One Graphic
Nice animation of the ICO explosion, especially in recent months. Unfortunately, the data cannot be explored. But assuming the data is correct, this is an impressive and frightening development. It is doubtful whether it will continue like this. In the meantime, the supervisory authorities are also working on this issue.