Why do I need to invest my money on cryptocurrency?

in cryptocurrency •  last year 

It’s actually more risky not to own crypto right now than owning crypto, especially in this highly inflationary environment.

Bitcoin‘s inflation is only 1.74% per year currently and will decrease to 0.87% next year with the Halving and in another 4 years to 0.435%.

You can buy this kind of asset, or the dollar with 2%-8% inflation.

Real-estate will probably incur losses for the next couple of years.

You can also buy stocks, but profits there are very limited with only a potential 2x over the next 5 years.

You can buy low cap stocks for sure with a potential 10x gain over the next couple of years, but they are way more risky than Bitcoin.

Cryptocurrency changed my life. In fact in more ways than I can imagine. And I have in turn always given back to the community that brought me to where I am today. I do monthly giveaways of over $20,000 (and Cryptocurrency gives me that money back) to me it’s giving back to the community and a act of good will that always comes back multiple folds.

For example

Bitcoin gives potential profits of the size of low cap stocks with the safety of high cap stocks, the best of both worlds.

A 10x profit on Bitcoin can also happen very fast with a spot ETF by Blackrock.

Given that 574 of 575 ETFs filed by Blackrock were approved, we‘re looking at a 99.8% success rate.

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