in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago  (edited)


I hear it all the time and I'm getting more than just a little sick of it now.

I comment on a lot of other peoples' posts (as a good Steemian should), and I often disagree with them. I especially disagree when they look too short-term, focus too much on TA or when they can't see the good news all around them!

Perhaps they can't see the wood for trees. FUD is at an all time low, yet the permanently pessimistic continue to view the crypto market through $#!t-tinted spectacles. Their comment is always the same: "Bit Brain, I have not seen all this positive news of which you speak."

This post is for the partially blind, those who need to be force fed. It's for those who can't see the sand, because their heads are stuck so deep into it, that there isn't any light left.

Here it comes: your news feed!

Read the chart Sunshine - You may not be able to see the good news, but most people can!
Original from coinmarketcap.com/charts - modified by @bitbrain


I keep saying that the investors are returning. I keep saying that institutional money is trickling in, and that the trickle will soon turn into a torrent and then a deluge and then a flood. To show you just how much good news is around, I decided not to dig. I'm ONLY GOING TO SHOW YOU NEWS THAT I HAVE SEEN WITHIN THE LAST 24 HOURS!

Coin line mini.png

And now back to our studio for the news... (Click to navigate to the sources)

We are convinced that the new legislative opportunities put in place by the small Mediterranean island, will also bring benefits to our Italian companies and that is why we decided to create a real partnership with local professionals, with the birth of a working group on the Blockchain between Italy and Malta, in which to involve public and private institutions, as well as professionals and entrepreneurs in the sector.
Translated by Google Translate


Founders Fund, the Silicon Valley venture capital firm known for its early investment in Facebook, has reportedly put money into a cryptocurrency startup that aims to optimize the bulk trading of cryptocurrencies.
...Founders Fund - co-founded by the high-profile investor Peter Thiel... ...is now backing a startup named Tagomi Systems Inc., which boasts a mission to serve as a broker-dealer to optimize bulk bitcoin trading orders for high-value clients.
Also see https://www.ccn.com/peter-thiels-founders-fund-backs-crypto-broker-founded-by-goldman-sachs-alum/

Anyone who has kept an eye on the cryptocurrency industry over the past few years will have noticed a peculiar trend. At first, banks readily dismissed the idea of Bitcoin as both a potential currency and a threat to their business model. This was at the time when BTC was only just gaining popularity, yet banks advised consumers to stay away from this industry rather than risk losing their money.

Over the years, this conversation has changed a bit. When warnings did not have the desired effect, banks prevented consumers from buying cryptocurrency. They either blocked transfers from consumer accounts to exchanges, or they simply shut down the bank accounts of major exchanges without any official explanation. This course of action has worked for a while, yet very few people have actually been affected.

The only option left on the table is for banks to provide cryptocurrency trading services themselves. That appears to be the new plan for Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and a few other financial institutions.


UPDATE 2018 05 04: I have discovered that VeChain already has partnerships with Renault and BMW!

From https://www.carvertical.com/blog/listed-on-exchange-cv-tokens-journey-to-the-moon-has-started/

Next week's hearing is the first to hone in on a specific use case - supply chain management - that has garnered interest from a number of major corporates around the world.

Indeed, major businesses such as Samsung and Alibaba have considered or launched pilot projects around the tech's use for tracking the global shipment of goods. Late last month, for example, Alibaba accelerated a previously revealed test project focused on combatting food fraud.

Around the same time, tech giant IBM unveiled an initiative will several notable firms from the jewelry industry focused on improving transparency in supply chains for the precious stones market.

Goldman Sachs, perhaps the most storied name in finance, is bucking the risks and moving ahead with plans to set up what appears to be the first Bitcoin trading operation at a Wall Street bank.

In a step that is likely to lend legitimacy to virtual currencies... ...the bank is about to begin using its own money to trade with clients in a variety of contracts linked to the price of Bitcoin.

Funny how the banks "hated" crypto so much, and now suddenly they're all headed directly towards it. Like Soros. Like the Rothschilds. I wonder why...

Oh wait - I already gave you the answer to that a month ago! Read the answer here: https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@bitbrain/money-understanding-it-and-cryptocurrencies-part-4-weapons-of-the-war-on-crypto


That's just ONE DAY of good news in the crypto world. Not things I went looking for either, just things that showed up in the feeds of a few groups that I monitor.

I tell you again: if you can't see the massive positivity surrounding crypto right now, if you can't foresee the major rise looming ahead, then you are being deliberately obtuse.

Watch the news guys, and don't just read things that reinforce your existing biases!

Yours in crypto,
Bit Brain

Acknowledgement: Unless otherwise stated, all images in the post above are taken from the destinations that the sub-paragraphs are linked to.

I am neither a financial advisor nor a professional trader/investor. This is not financial advice, investment advice or trading advice. Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are my opinion and nothing more. Crypto is highly volatile and you can easily lose everything in crypto. You invest at your own risk! Information I post may be erroneous or construed as being misleading. I will not be held responsible for anything which is incorrect, missing, out-of-date or fabricated. Any information you use is done so at your own risk. Always Do Your Own Research (DYOR) and realise that you and you alone are responsible for your crypto portfolio and whatever happens to it.

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FYI. Bitbrain likes vaccines. Be careful of what you are told.
Stunning finding reveals autism is highest in areas with the highest vaccination rates


You need help. The kind there isn't a vaccine for. Seriously.