TBC cryptocurrency scam

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)

The billion coin, a promise of riches, but in reality a MLM(multi level marketing) ponzi scheme

Members agree that the price goes up and never goes down??? who comes up with this stuff.
According to the official website the price of one TBC is 12 btc, but the holders of TBC will gladly sell you their coins for much much less, During my investigation I had a conversation with an individual who was promoting TBC in a facebook group
I have not hid his identity as its should be someone to watch for he was also trying to get me to join some matrix, another type of ponzi.
(caution majority of cryptocurrency Facebook groups are filled with scams and ponzi schemes, there is one good group that I found called cryptocurrency collectors club its invite only so if you are interested you will first have to add me on Facebook)

Here is the conversation

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These kinds of things ruin the name of cryptocurrency for many people,
Do your part by resteeming and sharing so we can help save folks from these kinds of scams and protect the image of our beloved cryptocurrencies.

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How do people fall for this stuff? Wtf...

I honestly have no clue


Thanks for doing your part its a shame that some peoples first experience with cryptocurrency is TBC