Mining update: ASUS B250 Mining Expert BIOS Update 0403 released 12/15/2017

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

To all of you that are mining with the ASUS B250 Mining Expert motherboard a new BOIS has been released.

BIOS Update 0403 released 12/15/2017

ASUS claimed that there would be a BOIS update in 4Q2017 to unlock the BIOS to support more than 13 GPUs (8 Team NVIDIA+5 AMD or 8 AMD and 5 NVIDIA) on their 19 PCI board, but this is not it....

This update has has no documentation and cites in the description:
B250 MINING EXPERT BIOS 0403 Improve system Stability;

I have installed this update on my 2 x ASUS B250 Mining Expert systems and have not noticed much of anything...
Looking at my hash rates overtime, I think the system might be a bit more stable but only time will tell.

DOWNLOAD the ASUS B250 BIOS 0403 from ASUS Support:

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