Tron's New Bitch And a Crypto Cock Fight

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 

Things just continue to get interesting in the #crypto world. Don't believe me? Then ask the players in today's cryptocurrency soap opera.

Crypto News

Let's start with #Ripple. And I don't mean peanut butter. The international blockchain payments giant has grown its customer base like a herpes wart, but sales of #XRP were cut in half in the second quarter of 2018. Sliced like a freaking watermelon. And no one brought the vodka.

But that didn't stop #Tron from looking for a mail order bride. Instead of looking in Russia, the company decided to upload the download queen. Yep, BitTorrent is the decentralized entertainer's new love interest. Bought her lock, stock, and barrel.

Now, if you're a co-founder of #Uber and pretty happy in your current relationship, but you want a little adventure, what do you do? You tackle #Robinhood and challenge him to a cock duel. In this case, it's a no-fee crypto cock fight. #Voyager is the name of the new venture. No-fee crypto trading is picking up speed like a meth addict at an emo rally.

A different kind of cock fight, from Pixabay.

Speaking of rallies, remember when #Coinbase added Bitcoin Cash and everyone thought it must have been coincidence when the coin price went sky high? Yeah, me neither. But thanks to Coinbase's investigation, we can all sleep at night knowing there's no evidence employees were trading insider secrets. In other words, everybody's regular. Meet me at the john in 10 minutes.

#Qtum, not to be confused with Q-Tip, is now available through Amazon Web Services. Carry on!

And on the sunny side of life, where U.S. sanctions tend to squeeze the smile off your face, Iran is talking about having its own national digital currency. Because it worked so well for Venezuela.

Crypto Analysis

Remember when size mattered? If you're an old geezer like Warren Buffet, size doesn't matter when it comes to bubbles because, by his age, you've done seen 'em all anyway. But for young pups like the rest of us, crypto bubbles are smaller than all the others, which means we can chase them around the yard until it gets dark.

Image from Pixabay.

While you're out chasing bubbles, some crypto investors are betting against Ethereum. Something about shorts, yada yada yada.

Hey, don't look now, but Bitcoin's hot again.

Image from Pixabay.

And went up over $8,000, which has everyone talking, but is it overbought?

We all know the leaders in the #blockchain movement today, but #Mashable wants you to know the leaders of tomorrow. Some of these companies are hotter than a pretty lady in a straw hat.

In Britain, they're talking about when #cryptocurrencies will go mainstream. One report says in a decade. But which decade?

You know the deal. I haven't taken any bribes, accepted no cryptos, or kissed any pretty ladies (not that I wouldn't) to ensure these companies are talked about. I'm just your humble #editor at Blockchain Times where cock fights happen on the regular and you can read all about it.

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Found your post in the ADSactly community, first time reading your blog post, really enjoyed your way of writing, a great way to keep it interesting.

Thank you very much. I'm still reading through the ADSactly on ADSactly posts. I think I'm through maybe 20 right now, but I just saw that you shared #84 so I'm off to read that one now. :-)

Definitely a great way of spicing up a rather dry (to me, anyway - LOL) subject! Thanks for all the cypto news tidbits. 😊

You're welcome. Thanks for reading. :-)

hahaha awesome post, and those pictures, so perfect!
