the most trending Gain coin

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)


E-coin is the name of the most gainer of all the coins. Within 24hrs the coin has risen up by 2,287.52% and counting. i don't know what this coin is because their page can't load. This coin has a market cap of $350,385,009 and 4,981,227 are in circulation and have 213,270,119 as the total supply. The current price of this is $70.34. Thos on can purchase this coin and gain profit. I am a financial advisor. There are almost nothing about this coin online. so i can say much about the coin. Being what is used for and where it originates from.
You can check this coin out for yourself on
Most people believe is a pump and dump coin.
Hey i can say that because there is no information on this coin out there.
This coin can make you a millionaire, if you invested $1000 in it. At the look of its percentage rise.
Becareful in investing it.
Do your own research first before you invest.

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