Stop Betting on Negativity

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 


When cryptocurrency prices are high, people from one side say that it's a bubble and the other side yells about a revolution. Then when the value is low, you're told this is the end from the bubble folks, and then the believers tell you not to worry because the old system is collapsing.

Most people who invest in the cryptocurrency market are betting on the collapse of the current financial market. They are waiting for it all to burn down with the hope that the bags they are holding are the only ones left.

This doom and gloom outlook is starting to reach its boiling point for me, and it's also becoming incredibly annoying.

Betting and looking forward to everything falling apart is the wrong way to look at the world, it's the most negative way to live your life.

I know the doomsday clock is slowly ticking closer to the end, everyone is worried that Donald Trump may say the wrong thing to Kim Jong-un and then it's a nuclear showdown. When the doomsday does arrive, I don't think a clock is going to give us a warning, nor will anyone care at that point. And if one old man can destroy the entire United States and the world in under four years, well that's a pretty lousy system in the first place.

We have seen many hardships in the short time the human race has lived on this planet, but when you zoom out, the trend moves up. Just like when you zoom out on the crypto market, it trends up in the long term.

The fear-mongering in the crypto space seems to be at an all-time high. The idea that we're going to see the collapse of a system and then it get's automatically rebuilt with cryptocurrency is laughable.

I'd rather play the "Good Times" playlist on Spotify than the "Life Sucks" playlist. When in Vegas playing craps, I'm betting on the line not against it. Thinking you're always going to lose on life is depressing.

Gary Vaynerchuk points out that you had a 1 in 400,000,000,000,000 chance of being human. The human race is strong, resilient and powerful. We survive and aren't likely to put up with living underground eating instant pancake mix and drinking powdered milk.

Many of these YouTubers and crypto fanboys like to talk about the deep state, the Illuminati, the Hollywood elite, the pedophile rings, globalist, and even lizard people behind all the major events in history. This kind of thinking is no different than saying God controls the market. You replace one unproven possibility for another. It's easy to say it's God's will or the deep state because it's unprovable.


If the deep state is fighting so hard to keep their system alive then why would they all of a sudden let this entire thing that's been working for them for a century fall apart over a computer program like Bitcoin?

I do believe that digital currency is the future, but there is no reason these two systems won't co-exist for a long time.

Digital currency allows a lot of people who are outside the banking system to move up and change their situation.

I'd love to see crypto kids stop focusing on how many things are terrible and instead focus on the positive. What's coming and why is this good? The constant pessimistic attitude and the sky is falling hysteria doesn't help people from feeling discouraged, and doesn't make people on the outside want to get interested in crypto.

You catch a lot more bees with honey than with vinegar. My psychic told me that once. 😂

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