The should've, could've and would've of cryptocurrency...

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

A positive note from me to you's, Keep it in mind when you've got the Crypto Blues!

Made a bad trade? Didn't buy or sell at the right time? Lost some bits? Been there!
Let me introduce you to the three should've, could've and would've of cryptocurrency!

Perhaps I should've bought some bitcoin when I first found out about it, Perhaps I could've made so much money had I did, Perhaps if I would've made that trade, etc.. and the list goes on my friends..

Let's start by remembering this very wise saying which in my own personal experience comes in very handy when I'm feeling the Crypto blues:

"The Past Is History & The Future Is A Mystery!"

We all can't change the past no matter how much we re-think scenarios on what we could have done in our minds, and the future remains unknown. Therefore it is only normal that in this crypto world things might not always go according to plan.

But we must not forget about one of the most important part of these unexpected outcomes: The Learning!! Keeping a positive outlook on our experiences and learning from them helps us all to become better, improve and keep growing stronger throughout our crypo journey.

So don't sweat the rest and focus on the best!
Happy journeys my Cryptos!

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