I lost everything in Crypto. Read my story and learn from it.

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

London rain.jpg

It's a grey day in London. Dark rain falling from dark clouds on a dark street. There's a leak in my roof. The landlord says he'll fix it when I pay him what's owed. My hand's are shaking. Hovering over the buy confirmation button on coinbase. 1.4 Ethereum. I press confirm.

It's my mother's credit card.

Welcome to my world. A year ago I was a happily married man with a career. I did yoga and ate organic. Crypto has taken everything from me. It started slow. I bought half a bitcoin. By the end of the week my investment had doubled. It was an amazing feeling. I was playing the market. When my wife came home I had flowers and a bottle of champagne waiting for her.

I got another half a bitcoin and you know what? It went up. So I got another. And it went up and so I kept getting more. A month later I'd taken out a loan on the strength of our apartment. I was going to retire. My wife wouldn't need to know. As soon as it doubled I would pay everything off to the bank.

This was in late December, and you can guess that I never made that payment. To make matters worse I lost my job . I was a grief counselor and one of my patients complained that I was on my phone during our sessions. (I was checking blockfolio)

And so here I am. Unemployed, with my mother's credit card in my hand. Outside the rain is falling, inside the rain is falling too. The landlord will fix it as soon as I pay what's owed. Until then the rain keeps falling, down down, just like the value of my portfolio. Buy the dip, but it just keeps dipping. I've been buying the dip for the last six months. I know I should stop. I should call my ex wife. Tell her I love her. That I'll change and things will be like they once were, but damn. Litecoin is cheap. Buy the dip.

Learn from my mistakes,


A fool and his money

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It's sad but in my scenerio I had seen so much ups and downs and never invested any money I need to use.

This reads like a novel. I'd feel better for you if it is.

Crypto addiction is becoming an epidemic. I'm not sure if you're in the UK; but, that's the origin of the archived post I wrote:


It seems the promotions are even attempting to 'derail' the retirement plans of otherwise rational people:


Lastly, it sounds like you could talk to a professional...

When you're ready, key Gambler's Anonymous in your search engine.

Help is available. Who knows, on the other side of this may be your next job as a counselor to crypto addicts.

Best regards.
