OurNet's ‘Folks for a World that Works’: Danny Shine

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

From today's OurNet's ‘Folks for a World that Works’ feature:

Today, we see the return of Danny Shine into the OurNet homestead for his ‘Folks for a World that Works’ (#ffawtw) interview. He very appropriately follows on from Laura Shewan (http://about.ournet.news/folks-for-a-world-that-works-laura-shewan/) who we saw challenging the neoliberal status quo from her position as a mother.

Danny says: “I can’t describe myself because I am not sure there is a self. Having said that I would like to warn you not to believe a word of what I say (or anyone else for that matter). My perspective is subject to change at any time! Also, the stuff you see here may lead you down the rabbit hole – be warned!”

Danny Shine has been creating content for Youtube for 7 years, which includes what he calls “street theatre and other social experimentation … part of my attempt to bring about change in the world, by changing the way we think, feel and ultimately behave”.

He says the films have helped many people over the years overcome their fear of authority, question their assumptions, as well as feel relief that someone is prepared to question some of the deceit we are fed through so many channels, on a daily basis.

Danny is in the process of taking what he does to a new level, intending to create more films and get those films in front of more people. “I want to create lots of events so that I can get other people involved. I want to create better films. And I also want to initiate social experiments that do not just encourage questioning the status quo, but have the potential to create change on the ground. And the crucial thing about all this is that it should be FUN,” says the social experimentalist, who’s clearly in the business of ‘creating artistic comedic interventions exposing the insanity of our society and removing the veils of illusion’.

OurNet: Thank you Danny for taking the time to talk to us and being one of the ‘folks for a world that works’, can you begin by telling us about yourself and your big passion?

Danny: I am 50 years old, married, and a father of 3 living in London. I have run a business for 30 years running a band mainly for functions and a bit of corporate work occasionally. For the past 10 years I have been creating disruption in public places to raise awareness about the madness of our society. I love doing it and have met some amazing people along the way, including you! [Ed: Thank you!].

I seem to have natural talent for doing it. It is very addictive because it creates an adrenaline rush. I seem to come out with lots of funny stuff that triggers all sorts of feelings in people.

OurNet: What would a ‘world that works’ look like to you?

Danny: A world that works would be one where we see each other as part of one big whole and we treat each other as if we were brothers and sisters. A world where nobody has some magic right to force the rest of us to do stuff with the backing of violence. And eventually a world where we don’t have to PAY for the basics – in fact a world without money.

But I think that before we get to a world without money, we need first to move to a world where people are free to interact with each other in any way they want to. So if they want to barter or exchange or use some sort of currency (like crypto) they can, but eventually they will see that money is not necessary.

OurNet: What is stopping us from creating a ‘beautiful world we all know in our hearts is possible’?

Danny: I guess what is stopping us is that we have been so badly damaged by our conditioning, which starts the moment we leave the womb, and continues in indoctrination centres (school) and via the media etc; that we don’t even know that there are many problems with the current system (although deep down we do). Many of us don’t understand that we are all connected and can’t even imagine a world without money and where everything is voluntary.

Also, from a personal point of view, FEAR is a huge barrier to so much in my own life. Fear of both success and failure, fear of death and lots of unresolved fear from childhood.

Everyone has a quote, says Danny, so here’s a favourite of his: “The essence of the Liberal outlook lies not in what opinions are held, but in how they are held: instead of being held dogmatically, they are held tentatively, and with a consciousness that new evidence may at any moment lead to their abandonment” – Bertrand Russell

Danny’s Steemit blog can be found here: https://steemit.com/@dannyshine

The Folks for a World that Works (#ffawtw) Q&A is an inspiring mini-interview with someone in or around the OurNet community. We’d welcome YOUR input or interviewee suggestions. Contributions can be made online here: https://goo.gl/forms/ZPHTMsDXQ4zGYih63

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