first two weeks investing in cryptiocurrency

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

So this is my first three weeks of #crypto #investing..
what an interesting ride it has been. I initially knew very little about #crypto #currency or investing for that matter.
what led me to this avenue was something of a series of events that can only be explained in the words of a fanatical crazy man.. :) yep i totally just called myself out.

I have a genuine fear of artificial intelligence and singularity. I firmly believe we are on our way and it WILL happen, most likely sooner rather than later.
Well this infatuation led me to an unending search of YouTube videos and news articles for several years.
I will admit my occupation would often distract me from this obsession for months at a time, eventually I always found myself back on track to a pending apocalypse and human disaster of epic proportion.
Then..... low and behold... I discovered #Singulariutynet! an #ICO that was in the making..

Well I had never heard of an "ICO" or while lists or anything of the sort. I began to look int this #Singularitynet. after a few days my fear was transforming from that of genuine concern, to "if you cant beat em join em".
so i decided to do just that. I was going to join..... THE WHITE LIST.. Que the dramatic soundeffect of your choice..

So just my luck... I headed over to the dashboard to sign up!!!! Well wouldn't you know it. #whitelist closed... 6 hours ago.
are you effin kidding me? so i followed for 6 weeks every move every comment every, every that could be coming from the forums and the progress of the #AGI token sale. right up to the 66 seconds where i was still hoping to possibly get in on the second whitelist offering.. that's right 66 seconds of public uncapped sale and it was over.. my hopes were squashed.

A new me evolved through that 2 months of unabashed obsession.. I learned about so many other ICO's and alt coins and block chain technologies, that approaching the end of 2017 I couldn't manage it anymore. my life was insignificant and the occupation I was carrying lost all meaning. I stupidly quit my job and invested all of my following income into rent and bills so as to be able top weather the incoming storm.
What I was left with was not pretty, but i found a way to transfer the change into bitcoin at a heavy expense and on the 1st of 2018 i became a #crypto investor.

lol.. a tiny one but I'm all in.

in that time I've seen my investment go up 120% in first couple days down to -150% and now back up 20% from my initial investment. This is a different kind of addiction where I spend my days reading and learning about the new and upcoming ides and technologies, sharing them and posting my humble and mostly insignificant opinions and views. I'm certain I will be homeless in a few weeks. I have a computer and maybe a friend or two will shelter me from the rest of this crappy winter while I seek to find my niche in this crypto world we are evolving into.

I am not sure there is another option for a person who has spent their whole life lost finally finding that "All In Moment".


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