Bitcoin & Blockchain Enrichment?

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency enrichment. It's time to start spreading cryptocurrency wisdom, knowledge, and understanding throughout our communites. We encourage you to let others know about the power of crypto, the blockchain, and how to use these amazing platforms to earn more crypto and wealth. kaBOOM!

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The history of all transactions on blockchains are secured via cryptography and locked-in cryptographic blocks over time to create an unforgettable, distributed and immutable record of all transactions taking place on these networks.

Immutable worldwide BOOMIN!

more people that use it the stronger the system gets!

Great. Thanks for sharing. I'm starting to follow you.

I guess blockchain will record every transaction that happens within the crypto world.

yes! Imagine that. An honest-by-design system that does not rely on a shady group or a political figure. It is immense power in the hands of the people if you really think about it. Immense power and thereby a tremendous responsibility. I agree with @Champagnecrypto. Time to spread the Blockchain news so that we don't lose the tool we've gained!

Love this positive movement! #kaboom #TheFutureIsNow :)