Michael "SuppoScam" censoring the posts about Superior Coin on his FB group, with Michael Q Todd "mysteriously" appearing to comment.

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)

Absolutely unbelievable.
People in the cryptocurrency groups were talking and discussing what is happening with Superior Coin, I wrote an article today about it, and some hours later Suppoman shows up in his group, deletes all the posts about Superior Coin and just write this thing:

Is this for real?
After censoring all the posts about Superior Coin he wrote that ANYONE who would write about it would be banned from the group. Doesn't this sound like censorship because of a theft?
The reason is way more laughable, it would cause "ill feeling and disrupting the harmony of the group", well for the people who bought thousands and thousands of Superior Coin I guess their money matters way more than the "harmony" of the group right?

Then he admits that he did show how to get Superior Coin on his group, but that is way worse than that, he ADVISED people to buy into it(even if people are responsible for buying it), so that is way worse than showing how to do it. During the last weeks I have seen people writing "I hold 20k Superior Coin" and things like these, those people DESERVE to understand what is happening with their investment, and all they get is censorship and silence plus some weak excuses from Michael Q Todd(who to be fair never commented in the Suppoman FB group).
How come that Michael Q Todd popped up just in the moment when Suppo decided to shut the mouths of the investors?
This does not look random to me.

Among the other comments Michael Q Todd wrote this one:

If you check my previous article(https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@charlesx/bad-news-for-superior-coin-ico-investors-the-project-is-probably-dead), you will see that he claimed the money of the investors is safe, now he claims that the money disappeared with another dev.

All those things that are happening lead to a single conclusion, that IMO is the most probable:
Michael Suppo is linked to Michael Q Todd, the scam was organized to pump the ICO, it is not a surprise that Suppo went on vacation right before this shit went down with the Superior Coin.
Another proof of this may be the Suppo's reaction, on a video he did show his 8k Superior Coins, and in another comment he claimed to be holding 100k of those. The estimated value for that amount of coins would be around 2000 $, have you ever seen anyone who has that amount of money at risk of disappearing acting like that? I never saw a person acting like that.

His final sentence: "let's just push past it and move on", shows that either he has lost no money or he was actually involved in this operation, meaning that he wishes the people who pumped money in it would just forget about that money and stop talking about it.
I contacted Senn Nathan but received no answer, he could be fighting all of this or he could be involved, who knows?
This looks VERY VERY bad, and my advice for the people involved in this thing is to sign this:

By the way this petition was posted on the group too, so that may be one of the reasons to delete the comments.
Good luck to everybody.
*************IMPORTANT EDIT***************

Senn Nathan answered to me with this message:

Looking forward for his official statement.


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suppo banned me from his group
people should expose him in his group

Thanks for stepping up, your article says a lot about that moron, I just hope the other dev will be able to save what could be saved.

the hilarious part is that some think this horseshit can be rescued in some manner - avoid avoid avoid. Todd is a huge scammer with skin thinner than Trump.

I thought you all should read this. - I first was going to post it as a comment here, but I don't know much about steemit and I don't want this to get deleted so here it is:

I just signed the petition, “Nathan Senn: The SuperiorCoin ICO Refund.” I think this is important. Will you sign it too?
Here’s the link:

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

You wrote in a post 2 days ago that the money was safe, today you write that you have no money and no coins, what is the truth? what has really happened? You will never write the truth.
I do not trust any word that comes from you and I wish nobody will.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Nathan Senn has all the coins now because he gave Michael Q money for crowdify and later wanted even a larger part and then Nathan wanted to see the books and michael refused,and then Nathan locked all the coins and are on poloniex....so Michael Q never had the coins to begin with.

So why were you and Michael Suppo in a Facebook Messenger Group on Sunday talking about the name of the new coin you were going to bring out when you claim you don't know each other? You had added me to the group and a few hours later you removed me.

Do you have any proofs of this? coz it would be huge to post it.

Just a screenshot showing some people in the group.
