in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

[Source: Google]

Who declared this war ..?
The war between the traditional financial system and the nascent new system of Cryptocurrencies or Cryptoactives continues to intensify. Logically, the traditional system will not allow this new trend to take over the market that has made them millionaires and of which they have maintained absolute control for so many years.

From my point of view, this war was declared the old order to the new when mixed on the one hand the evolution of the financial system and on the other the fear of losing economic power, in addition to a bit of resistance to change that is always present in humans.

That is why as the cryptocurrency system develops, its new characteristics emerge and we experience the reactions of the market, many times favorable, this seems to be taken by the old financial system as an attack on their dictatorship and they immediately react. As financial systems have a large part of their trust base, there is a key point where to direct their artillery. Which, in a globalized world like ours and where information technology has become a power for the one who manages it and even more for the one who controls it, we can see in the first row the events in full development.

Control of the means to control the market.
An example of what happens on the battlefield are the recent publications that are appearing in all the media, where giants of social networks or the internet clearly unite as aleados of the old order. They simulate or make it appear that "to protect" their users and the health of the new financial system, is the reason why they prohibit or publish on their platforms publications related to cryptocurrencies or cryptoactives that logically contribute to the disclosure and natural development of the nascent system financial.

[Source: Google]

Recently the Facebook social network decided to take out all publicity on cryptocurrencies or any other digital asset on its platform. Eliminating and blocking all types of information related to the subject, in order to protect users of any page that is deceptive or infected with malware.
Likewise, Google also decided to eliminate all types of advertisements and advertising that were related to the world of cryptocurrencies. Ensuring that there are malicious ads, products of these that are detrimental to browser users.

I could say: A justified bombing without regard to the collateral damage and only for the interest of not losing power...

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