Waiting Forever for Bitcoin

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

I see a FUD and shitty article that Bitcoin will hit 3k yesterday!

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/9avmja/ill_just_wait_a_while_to_buy_bitcoin/

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  1. Block'tivity - The Hidden Treasure for Making a Good Crypto Investment - https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@chesatochi/blocktivity-thehiddentreasureformakingagoodcryptoinvestment-q71024ovfy
  2. What Qualities you Need to Success in the Crypto World - https://chesatochi.com/qualities-success-crypto-world/
  3. The Courage to Stay in the Cryptosphere - https://chesatochi.com/the-courage-to-stay-in-the-cryptosphere/
  4. Honeyminer – Mining with your Computer and Receive Bitcoin - https://chesatochi.com/honeyminer-mining-with-your-computer-receive-bitcoin/
  5. The Decentralized Exchanges are Sexy and Vital for the Crypto Space - https://chesatochi.com/what-decentralized-exchange/
  6. Gods Unchained - Cool Trading Cards Game on Ethereum - https://chesatochi.com/gods-unchained/

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Burn the bears...

Make them disappear from the surface of this world. ;)

$5750 is the strongest support zone now. It is nearly impossible to go down below this price. I also read that headline yesterday that bitcoin will hit $3000 soon.

By the way, bitcoin and other coins turned green right after this news. lol. :P

I hope that we coming back to a crypto market cap of 250 billion and beyond.

Could be risky to wait for longer now

It is a good time to buy at this price.

The key to success is to keep the focus on your strategy if it is based on profound research. Don't let mr. market affect you ;). There is a saying: Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.

The moral, you can make money in any market condition. :)

LOL! Price is certainly moving now.

It is about time after almost 8 months!

It will surely be a long wait! The time is now!

The fall will bring good mood, vibes, and energy. :)