Hello, good evening all!
Rapids Network is proud to announce that we have just launched a new Tipbot on Telegram.
You are invited to join it, to take full advantage of all the functionalities it has to offer you
Take this opportunity to join us and participate in our Fortnightly Trivia Night, today at 9PM UTC, come have fun and win some RPD, in a friendly ambiance :)
We are also at your disposal if you have any questions about Rapids Network, Rapids.Host, Rapids Mobile Wallet, etc ...
Have a nice Sunday's end to all of you
We remain at your disposal if you have any questions.
Thank you all for your continued support to the network.
Join us on Telegram - Twitter - Medium - Facebook - MeWe - Instagram
I'm currently under contract with Rapids Network, which gives me the right to publish, republish, on their behalf, articles first published on Rapids Network/Medium.
If you have any questions, or if you believe that there is copyright infringement, please contact Rapids directly at https://www.rapidsnetwork.io/contact/.