Cooperative and CryptocurrencysteemCreated with Sketch.

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago  (edited)

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I find the hardest thing to do as a cooperative owner, is explain what a cooperative is to people.

There are so many types of cooperatives in the world that its very easy for people to get confused. Its almost like trying to explain the difference between species of dogs to people who know nothing about dogs.

The truth is, there are countless types of cooperatives. It would be impossible to explain them all, but I can explain Marketers Cooperative - the cryptocurrency cooperative to which I am founder and currently president.

Cooperative Basics

A cooperative is honestly nothing more than a corporation, only instead of being controlled by stockholders it is instead controlled by members of the cooperative.

Unlike a stock based company where the majority shareholder has the largest percentage of voting power, in a cooperative no matter how much one has invested and no matter what their position in the cooperative, every member has an equal voting right with every other member.

To put it very simply, a cooperative is a member owned and controlled company, that is run as a republic very similarly to the way modern day democratic republics work.

A cooperative gives members the greatest control over their economic and financial lives verse that of other businesses.

Why a cooperative?

Cooperatives have existed for as long as men have been trading in marketplaces. They typically began in economically challenged places to provide work to people who otherwise would have none.

Often times these cooperatives sole mission was to increase the financial and social economics of poverty stricken places.

Because of government corruptions, the invention of the internet, and more home based businesses than ever before in history, cooperatives have been growing at a rate never before seen.

It makes sense for business owners and marketers online to join together and help each other in their efforts to achieve a successful business and thats exactly what cooperatives are all about.

Cryptocurrency Cooperatives

Unfortunately very few cooperatives have truly embraced cryptocurrency. Currently I only know of two cryptocurrency cooperatives - the fair cooperative, and my cooperative - Marketers Cooperative.

Both of these cryptocurrency cooperatives have very different goals and objectives, but both have within their own right embraced cryptocurrency as a cooperative.


The marketers cooperative has created a crypto currency called MCCR.

MCCR stands for Marketers Cooperative Crypto Rewards.

This is a private currency not listed on any public exchange nor on any cryptocoin evaluation sites.

This coin is not available to be mined by the public at large.

Only members of our cryptocurrency cooperative can mine the coin.

The public at large may join our cooperative website for free and perform marketing tasks to earn free MCCR.

Marketing tasks include things like surfing a traffic exchange, writing articles for business owners, making social posts for business owners, making social connections, commenting on people streams, and similar types of tasks.

The public at large may also purchase MCCR directly from Marketers Cooperative store.

We have over 25 products and services inside the cooperative store. 80% of all sales from the store and 80% of all dues from members are put into an account that backs the MCCR.

50% of MCCR was premined for distribution. These coins are not included when determining coin value.

Instead at time of buyback of MCCR from members or the public at large, evaluation of the coin value is based on the total number of coins distributed outside the core premined wallet divided by the total value of the cooperative crypto fund.

Cryptocurrency Cooperative Investments

Investing in a cryptocurrency cooperative is not like investing in a cryptocurrency or an ICO, nor is it like investing in a cooperative. Its like investing in both.

For that reason, cooperative investors tend to get their investment returns considerably faster than with most other cooperative which can take several years before returns start happening.

At the same time however, cryptocurrency investors are not used to waiting so long for returns. An investment in a cryptocurrency cooperative can take a year or more before it produces returns.

Cooperative cryptocurrencies don't use the typical pump investments as is the case with an Initial Coin Offering. Instead the coin value only increases as the value of the cooperative itself increases.

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A very interesting post,especially as I love cooperatives!I will check out Marketers Cooperative.But I wonder what the goals and values of the cooperative are,apart from profit?A
Anyway,upvoted and followed.

Well our core mission is help to increase the success rate of startup businesses and marketing based businesses on the internet. As it stands right now, the ONLY way to be successful on the internet, is to work with corporations - google, facebook, microsoft, angel investors, corporate sponsorships...etc. Seriously no one can be successful without at some point using a platform or advertising service of a corporation.

Within that mission there are several small missions. In order for success rate to increase, the vast amounts of false information on the internet, needs to eliminated and that requires massive education about how PROPER marketing is done. For example combating the dated slogans of things like "the money is in the list" and "content is king".

We have created an open source platform with one of our members companies that we also distribute. We have lots of goals and lots of values as a cooperative. I would love to setup a time for a voice conversation with you if you are interested.

I just joined. Are you still running the project?