Bitcoin and altcoin previsions 2017/2018

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 


What about predictions in crypto currencies values?
I read a lot about that, from many different sources, but I'm still confused...

It seems that many currencies, obviously Bitcoin and Ethereum first, would surely grow up.
But how much? And when probably?

Bitcoin projections give it up to $ 10k by the end of 2017 to impossible figures just to imagine... like 50k, someone told also 500k... crazy!

Ethereum on the other hand seems to even have the chances of overcoming bitcoin in capital, and to make it possible has to grow at least to 500, but they said can grow also till 2k! 8)

I really don't know what's the truth, but also if the worst projections is right, I'm happy about my crypto that I bought for low cost at the beginning of the story.

Also other coins seem to have a great future and make us earn some extra cash: obviously our steem, then zcash, waves, NEO, Stratis and some other minor.

What do you think about that crazy values for Bitcoin and Ethereum?

Steem on!

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it will go tremendously up

I really hope too!