Crypto Perspective, China ICO and What is Rise Coin?

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

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In Russia want to ban the purchase of cryptocurrency individuals

Thanks for the video! I joined the Rise coin a few weeks ago and thought i would share my thoughts :).

I am pretty excited about the Rise coin & the active community. The have an active Slack channel (with dev's in it), and pretty solid Wallet & Web interfaces. If you store your Rise in a wallet and vote for one of the 101 delegates, you will earn some extra Rise every month (or week, depends in the delegate you are voting for).

I will leave this here for people that want to know more about Rise:

I joined in at $ 0.06 (its ~ $ 0.44 now) but only with a small amount (couple of hundered Rise). Now i wish i would have gone all in ;)!

Thanks for the insight! I wonder if the "celeb endorsements" we've been seeing lately are merely "pump and dump" ads. Instead of putting money into their tech, they simply pay off celebs, then cash out when it peaks? Just a theory.