Coins With Growing Price and Volume - 07/02/2024

in cryptocurrency •  6 days ago 

Coins With Growing Price and Volume - 07/02/2024

  • X Days represents average daily trade volume during period
  • 60/7 and 30/3 show percent growth for respective periods
CoinRankPrice USD60 vs 7 Day30 vs 3 Day 7 Day % Price Up
ENS 70 $31.80627 39% 62% 35%
60 Days30 Day15 Day7 Day3 Day1 Day
124,140,823 132,177,461 159,502,551 172,768,467 214,300,459 228,020,473

CoinRankPrice USD60 vs 7 Day30 vs 3 Day 7 Day % Price Up
ZEN 348 $7.17263 33% 98% 9%
60 Days30 Day15 Day7 Day3 Day1 Day
5,893,173 6,019,012 5,938,731 7,865,222 11,976,274 39,232,384

CoinRankPrice USD60 vs 7 Day30 vs 3 Day 7 Day % Price Up
FTN 205 $2.21417 49% 54% 0%
60 Days30 Day15 Day7 Day3 Day1 Day
14,682,727 15,028,898 16,430,910 22,023,217 23,158,185 23,680,539

CoinRankPrice USD60 vs 7 Day30 vs 3 Day 7 Day % Price Up
YFI 229 $6,590.11570 33% 56% 13%
60 Days30 Day15 Day7 Day3 Day1 Day
18,630,356 19,948,073 21,809,722 24,852,493 31,194,436 23,164,963

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