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August 1st has come and gone and now the held back money is flooding in.

BTC will be $3Mil by 2020.

thats unrealistic lol

I think it is because of the dumping of Bitcoin Cash, but it is a great day finally surpassing $3000. It had been stuck at $2000 range in the previous months.

BTC going to sky. :)

Not sure, but it's cool


So, a contrarian hedgehog acquaintance basically told me like 5x at dinner the other week "Annie, SELL EQUITIES AND BUY BITCOIN". Dude is very smart, has a strong team of analysts, and is putting his money where his mouth is. And so I listened and have been moving shit around. But let me tell you, I have been trying to get a handle on the derivatives market liabilities, which is basically impossible, but I think the 600T-1.2Q is off, possibly waaay off, and it's likely closer to the 3Q-20Q mark. Which I realize sounds BATSHIT CRAZY, but the derivatives markets and City of London endless rehypothecation issue basically IS batshit crazy. I think McAfee may not end up losing his bet and having to eat his dick on TV. I think SHTF may start in about 12-18 months, but I still pray that it won't, it prob won't end up nearly as painless as 2008 this next time around. But I am still holding on to things in other baskets and am going to hold on to 1/3rd of my stocks for now.

I had to spez this because I even mistyped the numbers as they are so crazy my brain is trying to block this out. 3Q is like 3,000,000,000,000,000.