A Bridge to the Mainstream

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

Cryptocurrencies are in the process of revolutionising the world. In order for this revolution to meet less resistance, a bridge must be built to the mainstream.

Media outlets and general sceptics make it difficult to propagate the truth of cryptocurrencies to the masses.

"Bitcoin is for terrorists and the black market", "it has no real value", "you can't buy anything with it". These are just a sample of phrases you would have heard some version of. This leaves the average Joe confused or decidely in opposition to cryptocurrency.

At the time of writing, August 2017, the majority of the globe needs convincing. If you happen to be part of the slight percentage of people in the cryptocommunity, you have influence.
The power to indulge the curiosity of new adopters and the power to send them scampering back to the safety of fiat.

What can you do to encourage mainstream adoption?

  • Inform yourself on the common misconceptions of cryptos and arm yourself with the truth

  • Start blogging or vlogging about cryptos without promoting price hype

  • Answer questions on forums and comment sections

Condescension, misinformation and memes only serves as a deterrent and reinforces the negative portrayal of cryptos. Instead, follow the above dot points and make cryptos accessible to the general populace.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryptoLearn

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I sometimes worry about bitcoin at night. There is some comfort in thinking that every night, we are getting closer to the moon.