EOS Hype Dying, Get Out Of EOS Before It Crashes! Heres Why.

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

First of all I am not hating on EOS in any way or form, i just sold mine 2 hours ago and I think you should too because its going to crash soon, that is inevitable for every coin that has hype around it. I don't want my fellow steemians losing money so just get out while you gain. If you want to continue to profit off of EOS then I suggest you wait until it crashes hard then buy back in. Just my 2 cents on the situation, its down 60% since this morning. Screen Shot 2017-07-03 at 8.03.48 PM.png

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I really understand why people want to get out after a little profit. Maybe some people will get back in when it goes down further. At the same time the crypto market is too unstable for many established investors. Long term it is better for everyone to buy and hold!

i agree! just be a bull and you will get the lamborghini(which the logo is a bull)

I have seen this pattern many time with new ICOs ... a large spike at first then a quick decline... Look at BAT as an example.

well said, you are right!

Yeah its probably going back down some but might consolidate around a 2 billion cap. Trying to time can cost you everything. I once had a massive Ether stack only to think I could time market. Sell top and buy back cheaper. I sold the top but then it just kept going and going and going. Only having to buy back more than where I sold it at. Lesson learned is don't try and time the market. Top cryptos will have 100X to 1000X returns. Just holding 5 years will make you very rich if you are investing good amounts.

i completely agree with you,thats exactly what i'm doing with siacoin and ripple, im planning to hold for 6-7 years,

Nice article!

I think this is expected movement - I wrote about it here:


To add to the daily trends there has also been issues with the MetaMask system for the ICO meaning most people weren't able to contribute to the ICO today and the price is really low on the main site.

Then Yunbi is currently down for maintenance and it's the Chinese exchange where 85% of the currency is traded, so without movement there the other markets are in a bit of a free fall.

Couldnt agree more @cryptotraderx! Congrats
