Cryptocurrency industry is not just a "bubble"

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 

The current situation in the cryptocurrency industry is reminiscent of the early days of the Internet. It is hard not to agree with this thought of Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong. Although I would not go as far as to call the situation on the market then or now a “bubble,” as Armstrong did. I think this word has a negative connotation and muddies the water for potential cryptocurrency market participants. I understand that when people’s expectations are well ahead of the actual development of a very young industry, and many projects “implode” without ever having a chance to develop, it is tempting to place some sort of headline-grabbing label on the situation... But if the Internet had been a “bubble,” it would not have given us Facebook, Google, Twitter, or Yahoo. The Internet went through its own growing pains on its way to becoming just as integral a part of everyday life as a fork and spoon at lunch. I am convinced that it will be the same with the crypto industry. For now, however, it would be wise to be a bit more careful with our definitions. Today “well-wishers” seize on every careless word - let's not give them the chance.

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