Barry Silbert's Question - "Who Will Coinbase Add Next?" - And My Three Candidates

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

Ooh, prognostication time...

Dash Heart.png
Tech investor and Bitcoin enthusiast Barry Silbert suggested on Twitter that those who want to profit from the next big bump in prices in the cryptocurrency world might want to look in the direction of where Coinbase is going.

Coinbase had Bitcoin, then it added Ethereum, and most recently Litecoin.

So it makes sense, as Coinbase adds 1 million new users a month, that its next coin would be one that (1) might be widely used already and (2) would benefit from a huge price jump.


Who's it gonna be? Three Guesses:

XRP (Odds: 2:1)

I base this guess on volume and geography.

Volume: it's almost always in the top five on Poloniex.

Geography: Coinbase's HQ is in Silicon Valley, and so is that of Ripple - the company behind XRP.

However, XRP is fashioning itself as a token for the banks to use to process payments between each other, and internationally. So it's not "used in the wild" and/or not all that consumer-friendly. Thus, odds aren't great - but it's one of the three candidates anyway.

XMR - (Odds 5:2)

Monero - XMR - is one of the first-ever "Coin of the Week" coins on the Metacoin site that I operate. (You should totally slide over there for a visit.)

It's widely used and gets decent volume. I like it a lot, and it has enough differences between it and the other coins on the platform that it makes sense to add. But,'s not the one I think is next. In fact, I'm putting the best odds on one that shouldn't be a surprise...

DASH (Odds: 4:5)

Yup, this checks every single box. Used by consumers. Stable. Popular enough - yet also different enough.

More I think about it, more it's a no-brainer and I'm about to go over and invest in a little.

What do y'all think? Agree? Disagree? What are your picks?

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I think Dash is actually the next runner up to be added to Coinbase according to all the online buzz going around.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)


XMR should never get the honor after what Fluffy did at Consensus. His type of behavior has no place amongst the top crypto currencies.

XRP, never again. I know we all want our bags of XRP pumped back to the moon, but I don't want newbs going through what we went through. Let the banks have it.

Maybe ANS Antshares (NEO), China's Ethereum.

There are lots of coins out there with good tech that could be listed on Coinbase, but maybe need some more time to grow.

agree, DASH makes a ton of sense. They are certainly the coin that seems to be leading the charge to user friendliness and mass adoption. That would seem to fit perfectly with Coinbase.

Golem, BAT, Maid Safe (three of my favorites)

Hmmm. We'll have to wait and see.

Fast forward to November vote is on Ripple. American Express is fixing to give them some street cred.

After doing some research and watching some videos I think XRP has a chance too

someone in the know claims it will be Auger (REP). seems very unlikely but who knows. the prediction markets are a big deal if you know their true function

Id like to see eos after it starts in june. And xlm. Dash i can see for sure. Maybe zcash

I love XLM. I love how they're going about growing the brand, and their goal of reducing international transaction costs as the world grows ever smaller. Lumens are extremely unlikely to move to Coinbase in the near future, however. zCash wouldn't surprise me.

My guess is dash and zcash on coinbase for sure

I have heard many, Augur and Golem back in Sept 2017 from coinable marketing director. Though its hard to say now with the vast movements of other "alt coins". Ripple and Bitcoin cash for sure at beginning of 2018. Probably DASH, MONERO, GOLEM, AUGUR in latter parts of 2018. Lot of steem in the EOS arena, as well as ZCASH too. Though buying Ripple and bitcoin cash on other exchanges may not be bad idea if you have accounts. Buy now, before more accounts then Charles Schawb see new wallets on coinable and want a piece of the action. Happy trails.