Don't Allow your ass to be kicked!!
"Make sure you put up one hell of a fight, but most of all make sure you're the last one standing between you and the opposition."
So what happens when you're the opposer of yourself?
It leads to burning Data it took 8 months worth of time to acquire!
You guys Have to Read this story!
I was feeling like a kid that learned how to swim but wouldn't let go the edge!
It was my go to guide because I formed the data from scratch conformed to my own thoughts. I followed this map so much that it began to hold me back without noticing that the state of 0 was now 1 which makes it 0 again lol.
- I've been in my office since early February of 2017. Every single day and I haven't missed one day. It has been one heck of a journey and one that I truly most find extremely rewarding.
- Every day including the days that I don't want to be here and don't want to sit in here lol. I go and take a break but overall, I wouldn’t change it for anything.
Heres a b4 and After above and then another after lol =( (below)
I look Like a new born bird hahaha!!!
I don't care about that those things, as I was able to overcome because things of that nature that come with the territory of any entrepreneur.
So with that being said, I've definitely felt my effect of the crypto wave, physically and mentally lol! Yet at the end of the day, I wouldnt trade off that time for nothing! the experience of the rollercoaster couldnt be traded on the Market Exchange" lol!
What is it that has my attention? I've been working on a project for Blockchain and Cryptocurrency.
Its exciting and worth every bit of energy put into it!
check out the Story here -->>
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