Why Your Workplace May Be Thread Mining

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

Thread mining has more workplaces mining cryptocurrency, some even for the first time. Why are companies switching from #noMINING to #threadMINING?

Thread mining utilizes the CPU (instead of GPU) in a device to mine cryptocurrencies. Thread mining can be done on almost any device while #GUImining you have to have a graphics processor (#GPU & the G in #GUI). Thread mining also cost thousands of percent less in electricity costs.

When I speak with companies about switching to thread mining from GUI mining they tend to remind me the return value is significantly less. I do agree, thread mining on a 35$ computer earns only a couple hundred percent less in crypto earned, per second. I then explain if you spent 200$ on a thread mining supercomputer rig you'll earn more per year then compared to a 200$ GUI miner rig. Because GUI mining throughout the year earn at a "slow-recovery loss" which means they cost more money to run per second then crypto earned per second at many times throughout the year. Yes, there are ways to help recover from this, for example buying #HiveOS can allow you to switch your algorithm used & switching the currency being mined. To do this with thread mining, it's free and since most thread mining is done in a web browser, switching is just a matter of going to a different web address.

Thread mining has more lower entry cost possibilities (including 0$ entry cost if you already have a device) & lower upkeep/continual running cost than GUI mining.

I build a "no monthly charge" webpage for my clients (no custom domain), teach the client/their staff to use the thread mining page and even go over trading techniques to maximize their future profits.

The different ways I teach companies to utilize thread mining are as follows:

The most common - the company uses their already owned computers to mine after hours.

The most lucrative - the client pays for me to purchase the new miners + additionals, when the parts arrive, I set up the miners then get them on site and running plus they run their current computers/devices to mine after hours.

The least common - the client pays to have a thread mining rig (200$ - 20,000$) built & installed.

The question was, "[...]why are companies switching from no mining to thread mining," because it's a better investment than GUI mining, can be done with their current systems, doesn't use nearly as much electricity & allows for a company to start accepting crypto as payment.

Thank you for reading

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