Flight to Safety

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

Flying over Japan and into the pacific (supposedly) was a missile. People everywhere feel the fear of war. They look for financial safety. Bitcoin price and other cryptocurrencies reflect this.drjohnthumb.JPG

Below is an hourly chart of the bitcoin price. This reflects the confidence in the block chain technology.


The price may go down as people take their profits, but the need for a financial safe haven remains! As trouble brews around the world, cryptocurreny based on blockchain technology will thrive when surrounded by fiat currencies which are watching their purchasing power melt!

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Yes! Though it is sold to us on the media as a harrowing time for humanity, I choose to believe that the people (who have been downtrodden and "enslaved" by money magic through millennia) are seeing the tipping point in favor of the many. I feel emboldened to remark that this is the beginning of a major upheaval in the way the world is organized. Though the 1% will try to send fear through the media outlets they control, their time is coming to a close. We must realize the power of being likeminded, and if we can band together, through the blockchain and decentralized control, we will prosper in ways unimaginable! Thank you @doctorjohn! I hope this post meets you well. People who stand united will never be defeated!

Thanks for the update @doctorjohn

Bitcoin finally broke $4500 and expect a move towards $5000. But the war fear is there.

Very interesting post, thanks for your perspective.
We saw this with Cypress in 2013; safe haven buying drove BTC to $1000.
Years later, we expect to see more of the same, and we do.