Internet Providers Will Soon Change the Internet

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Even with 83% of Americans not supporting the new FCC rules to abolish Obama's arra Net Neutrality rules to protect consumers, yesterday, the FCC, lead by Republican-commissioned Ajit Pai, voted to de-classify telecom companies, giving loads of powers to cable and internet providers. Again another reason for the US to be hated around the world as not other country tested such a thing. It can be true that we have Amazon UK and Netflix outside of the USA, but does that mean that Comcast can limit bandwidth to even are UK friends? Or really any country. Surely the telecom companies wouldn't want to slow down sites that are against there own political interest or business, I mean what is stopping them.

My grandmother said once that voting is really important and you think well, it's just one vote. I never knew that one vote matter so much till now.

In the meantime I'm going to buy some Maidsafe Coin on a drip. I don't think it's the best coin out there, but this is another way of saying F&*@ you government!

I love crypto!

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