in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Take a look at Bitconnects value. My predictions is that its has grown too big, too fast, that any day or month now it is over. At the rate it is expanding, it won't be able to sustain itself as a multi-level marketing platform, ponzi scheme. Look at the math....

Don't think the volume will be there to sustain itself relative to all other cryptocurrency activities/markets.

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It has to collapse eventually...and everyone will be shocked, except for everyone who knew not to invest.

What about their lending model doing well because of Bitcoins increase in value? Seems bitconnects model might just keep growing the more bitcoin succeeds. But should it grow too large, and bitcoin takes a huge dump someday soon, that's when the math might hang itself. I feel the closer Bitconnect gets to Bitcoin on the cryptocurrency market cap page in rank, the more likely this will be to occur, on a day of negative returns. But what do I know? I'm just spooked like hell watching it move...