in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

Each and everyone of us here on steemit are here because of the opportunity that we realize it have to profit from cryptocurrency. Now what I would like to talk about for a minute is the 'cash flow quadrant'. We know on the quadrant there are two side and on each side there are two department. Why I am looking at the 'cash flow quadrant' is because I believe this opportunity with steemit put us on the right side of the quadrant in the I(Investor) department.

Now what most of us here on steemit are investing is our time to write content, hoping to gain as much steem / steem dollars as we can and then be able to trade it for money that we can actually spend. The problem with that is most of us our investment is not yielding the expected results, because like with any other opportunity what we realize is that some people get great results, others get ok results, others get not so good results while some get no results. 

Why I am doing this post is because I had been spending time going through a lot of the profile of others here on steemit and realize some people have hundreds of post and yet still have not made any real money, while others with just a few post making thousand of dollars.

I recently posted about onecoin and I made mention that they use a network marketing model to build the community and someone replied to me that in network marketing only those on top get to make all the money, not sure if they were trying to suggest that with steemit anyone could make plenty money, if that was what they were trying to suggest I will agree, however not everyone would make plenty money with steemit.

And also with onecoin not only those on top get to make plenty money. In fact with onecoin every single person that join and buy a package (as I mention with steemit you investing time, which I believe is a lot more valuable than money) will get to mine coins in their account and therefore will make money. Your investment with onecoin is actually investing in yourself, because what you are paying for is education. Our motto at onecoin is "learn today lead tomorrow" .

The time some of you would spend on steemit trying to make money will be worth way way way more money than the money that you will be required to use to buy a package on onecoin. While the benefit you will get from onecoin will surpass that of steemit in a short period of time.

I endorse steemit, however because of my knowledge and understanding on the financial market and on the current economic condition of the world I don't see steemit being able to impact the financial market space yet as onecoin is able to do. Onecoin currently is position better than bitcoin and will definitely be the cryptocurrency that will put cryptocurrency on center stage.

Check it out here 


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